Most likely you find yourself at this page because you have just been set free by the power of Christ and you recognize that you are only halfway through your battle.
I wish I could tell you that deliverance is over the moment your chains fell off, but the truth is your enemy does not give up that quickly. Most of you had demonic kingdom's uprooted from many generations ago and according to Matthew 12:43-44, Jesus said these evil spirits considered you their "home" and they will try to return in order to see if there is a vacancy or open-door for them to re-enter.
Deliverance is not a passport to the perfect life. Deliverance is like a reset button and gives you strength to face life, starting with victory. You are now "the head and not the tail" (Deuteronomy 28:13). You are no longer held down with tormenting spirits that hinder you from moving forward. After the success of casting out demons, your work is not over. In fact it is just beginning...
When unclean spirits were personally cast out of me, the second I left the battlefield of deliverance, my mind entered into an all-out warfare. The war was more intense immediately after my deliverance, than what originally caused me to enter in. I was faced with a choice; I could either surrender this far into the battle, or I could keep fighting. I chose the latter.
This page is a result of the intense warfare required after my own deliverance. It is designed to give the newly delivered Christian some effective tools and battle strategies to keep the doors shut and the enemy out, once and for all. Beloved, I pray you choose to not lie down but to keep fighting!
I wish I could tell you that deliverance is over the moment your chains fell off, but the truth is your enemy does not give up that quickly. Most of you had demonic kingdom's uprooted from many generations ago and according to Matthew 12:43-44, Jesus said these evil spirits considered you their "home" and they will try to return in order to see if there is a vacancy or open-door for them to re-enter.
Deliverance is not a passport to the perfect life. Deliverance is like a reset button and gives you strength to face life, starting with victory. You are now "the head and not the tail" (Deuteronomy 28:13). You are no longer held down with tormenting spirits that hinder you from moving forward. After the success of casting out demons, your work is not over. In fact it is just beginning...
When unclean spirits were personally cast out of me, the second I left the battlefield of deliverance, my mind entered into an all-out warfare. The war was more intense immediately after my deliverance, than what originally caused me to enter in. I was faced with a choice; I could either surrender this far into the battle, or I could keep fighting. I chose the latter.
This page is a result of the intense warfare required after my own deliverance. It is designed to give the newly delivered Christian some effective tools and battle strategies to keep the doors shut and the enemy out, once and for all. Beloved, I pray you choose to not lie down but to keep fighting!
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
~2 Timothy 4:7
We highly suggest if you have recently gone through deliverance to purchase this book by Don Dickerman called, "Keep The Pigs Out." Since 1995, Don has led deliverance across the world. Keep The Pigs Out is an excellent book on how to keep your freedom after deliverance. Once you have been set free it is up to you to stay free. By clicking the picture to the right, it will redirect you to Amazon to purchase this book. |
The first 24-48 hours after your deliverance, it is common to feel light headed or a little distorted. Please drink plenty of water. You will need the first two days to process everything that took place. Going through deliverance is similar to labor, it's exhausting. So it is important to not schedule anything after you leave your session. Go home and rest.
Over the next 4 weeks after deliverance you could experience intense mental warfare, which is the result of the enemy trying to re-enter. In this case, you will typically notice racing thoughts stemming from the specific stronghold that was uprooted in deliverance. For example, if a spirit of fear was cast out of you, than it's common for fearful thoughts to knock on your door and try to convince you that fear is still there. Do not partner with those thoughts. Rebuke and resist them. James 4:7 says, "Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Your job is to continue to fight and not let them in by resisting. When you resist, the attacks will cease. According to Webster's dictionary, the definition of resisting, "is to fight against something, to try to stop or prevent, to remain strong against the force or effect of something."
When the brother of Jesus wrote this verse and chose the word "resist," it was implied to be something of force and violent in nature. Think about what it would look like if a thief tried to grab you and you resisted him. This is the picture James is trying to capture for his reader... "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
The most common strategy of the enemy is the battlefield in your mind and doubt is his favorite choice of all the weapons. All you need is to agree with one drop of doubt and the enemy can get a foothold and start chipping away at your door.
"Am I really delivered?"
"I think I just made it all up."
Maybe I still have more demons they didn't catch?"
"I'll never be fully delivered."
"God won't deliver me."
"Am I crazy?"
After all, doubt, was the first trick Satan used in the Garden with Eve when he said, "Did God really say...?"
In other words, doubt is the oldest trick in the book, literally. So be aware of his tricks and schemes, it's the truth that sets you free (John 8:32). I have often said that a spirit of doubt is the trickiest of them all. When battling thoughts of doubt, it feels incredibly real. The way to overcome doubt is with faith. One of our spiritual weapons mentioned in Ephesians 6:16 is the "shield of faith" and we must learn to use it.
During my time of intense battle after my own deliverance, fear and doubt plagued my mind like Covid afflicts the people. The only thing I knew to do was run to the feet of Jesus. As I laid before him and cried out in torment, I heard him say,
"Holly, when I was tested by fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and the enemy came against me; the attacks felt similar to what you are experiencing right now (Matthew 4:1-10). All the specific flaming arrows he used against me were not all recorded in the Gospel's, only a few of them were. The enemy was relentless during that time and I want you to know, that I understand what you are going through. I'm allowing this to prepare you with strategic battle strategies so you are able teach others how to resist the enemy after their deliverance. You can be a beacon of hope for them. The best way to learn is to experience it yourself, just as I have gone before you."
He then gave me Isaiah 40:1-2 which says, "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to my people and cry to her that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity is pardoned."
I encourage you to read the story when Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan in the wilderness before he fully entered into his ministry. The key during Jesus' testing was the fast, it gave him spiritual strength to withstand the enemy. You can find the story in Matthew 4:1-11.
As you are currently learning how to fight the enemy, now that you are free. What better way to learn, then to follow the example Christ gave to us from his own trials. I'll give you a hint, when Satan confronted him, he responded with the Word of God. For example, if you hear a demonic thought that says, "You're not really delivered." Immediately respond out loud by quoting scripture. You can say something like, "It is written, that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered" (Joel 2:32).
Over the next 4 weeks after deliverance you could experience intense mental warfare, which is the result of the enemy trying to re-enter. In this case, you will typically notice racing thoughts stemming from the specific stronghold that was uprooted in deliverance. For example, if a spirit of fear was cast out of you, than it's common for fearful thoughts to knock on your door and try to convince you that fear is still there. Do not partner with those thoughts. Rebuke and resist them. James 4:7 says, "Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Your job is to continue to fight and not let them in by resisting. When you resist, the attacks will cease. According to Webster's dictionary, the definition of resisting, "is to fight against something, to try to stop or prevent, to remain strong against the force or effect of something."
When the brother of Jesus wrote this verse and chose the word "resist," it was implied to be something of force and violent in nature. Think about what it would look like if a thief tried to grab you and you resisted him. This is the picture James is trying to capture for his reader... "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
The most common strategy of the enemy is the battlefield in your mind and doubt is his favorite choice of all the weapons. All you need is to agree with one drop of doubt and the enemy can get a foothold and start chipping away at your door.
"Am I really delivered?"
"I think I just made it all up."
Maybe I still have more demons they didn't catch?"
"I'll never be fully delivered."
"God won't deliver me."
"Am I crazy?"
After all, doubt, was the first trick Satan used in the Garden with Eve when he said, "Did God really say...?"
In other words, doubt is the oldest trick in the book, literally. So be aware of his tricks and schemes, it's the truth that sets you free (John 8:32). I have often said that a spirit of doubt is the trickiest of them all. When battling thoughts of doubt, it feels incredibly real. The way to overcome doubt is with faith. One of our spiritual weapons mentioned in Ephesians 6:16 is the "shield of faith" and we must learn to use it.
During my time of intense battle after my own deliverance, fear and doubt plagued my mind like Covid afflicts the people. The only thing I knew to do was run to the feet of Jesus. As I laid before him and cried out in torment, I heard him say,
"Holly, when I was tested by fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and the enemy came against me; the attacks felt similar to what you are experiencing right now (Matthew 4:1-10). All the specific flaming arrows he used against me were not all recorded in the Gospel's, only a few of them were. The enemy was relentless during that time and I want you to know, that I understand what you are going through. I'm allowing this to prepare you with strategic battle strategies so you are able teach others how to resist the enemy after their deliverance. You can be a beacon of hope for them. The best way to learn is to experience it yourself, just as I have gone before you."
He then gave me Isaiah 40:1-2 which says, "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to my people and cry to her that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity is pardoned."
I encourage you to read the story when Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan in the wilderness before he fully entered into his ministry. The key during Jesus' testing was the fast, it gave him spiritual strength to withstand the enemy. You can find the story in Matthew 4:1-11.
As you are currently learning how to fight the enemy, now that you are free. What better way to learn, then to follow the example Christ gave to us from his own trials. I'll give you a hint, when Satan confronted him, he responded with the Word of God. For example, if you hear a demonic thought that says, "You're not really delivered." Immediately respond out loud by quoting scripture. You can say something like, "It is written, that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered" (Joel 2:32).
"Away from me , Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only."
~ Matthew 4:10
After deliverance, some people find that they continue to battle with similar thoughts they experienced prior to their deliverance. This, however, does not mean the demon did not leave. Instead, it highlights the fact that a stronghold was built over time in the mind of the individual, usually built on an alter of lies called a "lie alter."
"In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house."
-Mark 3:27
A demon is often referred to as a "strong man," while a stronghold is the house of thoughts the demon built in the mind over time. This must be torn down after deliverance in order to experience full freedom. Scripture says that you cannot 'plunder his goods,' instead, the strong man must be bound first.
However, before mental strongholds can be fully destroyed, you should first seek deliverance. Deliverance will remove the demon which then allows you to work on destroying the remains that were left.
Attempting to cast down a mental stronghold before casting out the demon is like trying to bulldoze your house down with the renters still living inside. You will experience huge resistance.
A stronghold is how a demon stays, while an open door is how they get in. There are common open doors that allow demons to enter someone's life or family. These include but are not limited to:
When we partake of these sins, we are allowing evil spirits to enter through these common open doors. If the demons do not get addressed, over time they begin to build certain mentalities, structures, and lie alters fortified in our mind with the design to be fully operating on default whether the demon is there or not. Common strongholds that are built include fear, anger, rejection, doubt, depression, abuse, and self-hatred.
However, before mental strongholds can be fully destroyed, you should first seek deliverance. Deliverance will remove the demon which then allows you to work on destroying the remains that were left.
Attempting to cast down a mental stronghold before casting out the demon is like trying to bulldoze your house down with the renters still living inside. You will experience huge resistance.
A stronghold is how a demon stays, while an open door is how they get in. There are common open doors that allow demons to enter someone's life or family. These include but are not limited to:
- Involvement in the occult
- Generational curses
- Rejection in the womb
- Abuse
- Unforgiveness
- Abortion
- Sexual immorality
- Perversion
- Pornography
- Stealing
- Lying
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Habitual sin
- Rebellion against God
When we partake of these sins, we are allowing evil spirits to enter through these common open doors. If the demons do not get addressed, over time they begin to build certain mentalities, structures, and lie alters fortified in our mind with the design to be fully operating on default whether the demon is there or not. Common strongholds that are built include fear, anger, rejection, doubt, depression, abuse, and self-hatred.
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." -2Corinthians 10:4-5
Strongholds are cast down while demons are cast out and strongholds are broken over time while demons are cast out quickly. It's important to remember not to give up. While demons can be quickly removed, a stronghold can take consistency, renewal of the mind with God's Word, and patience to fully remove. Just as the house of thoughts was built over time to form habits, it must be broken down with time to ensure its full removal and replacement with God's truth.
Picture this: You are a house and your mind is the attic.
Who do you call when you have mice in your attic? An exterminator. They remove the mice but there are still mice tracks and droppings in your attic's installation after months of those pesky little intruders not being dealt with. You have to clean up and renew your attic after the mice have been exterminated.
In the same way, when you cast out demons (mice), your mind still has habits and ways of thinking that were formed (mice tracks). After the deliverance, you have to clean up and renew your mind from the habits and strongholds formed while those pesky intruders considered you "their home" (Matthew 12:43-44).
ESSENTIAL TO YOUR FREEDOM: In order to learn what a stronghold is and the steps on how to cast it down, we have provided you with two excellent teachings by Pastor Vlad Savchuk with HungryGen Church. We recommend those who have just been set free through deliverance to study strongholds in order to cast them down. Your race is not yet complete, keep moving towards the finish line, we are cheering you on to freedom! We recommend taking extensive notes on these teachings and intentionally applying them to your life. Each stronghold needs to be dealt with by applying the steps found in this teaching.
Part of tearing down strongholds, is to renew your mind according to Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's perfect will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:2 The Bible is the greatest tool we have in our possession to renew our mind. We highly recommend reading your Bible or listening to the audio Bible daily while renewing your mind and completing the work to tear down strongholds. We have included a link to the New Testament audio Bible, live stream, in the English Bible Translation. We have found that listening to the Bible can help for those who do not thrive by reading text. This specific stream plays all the books in the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation in a continual loop, 24 hours, 7 days a week. It is dramatized for a more enjoyable experience. Holly personally listens to the audio Bible every day to saturate her mind in scripture. This is an excellent way to transform your mind and get familiar with the Word of God. |
- Make Jesus Lord in every area of your life. Do you find yourself giving Jesus most areas of your life, but you keep that one little "closet" closed off for yourself and the door locked? It is usually an area that is partnered with sin or even pride. Thinking, "I can do that myself, I don't need his help." These are the rooms in our house that grant the enemy access to rent. According to Matthew 12:43-44, after an evil spirit is cast out, it will return to see if there is a vacancy. If you have not been born-again and you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, the demon will enter back in with seven other demons more wicked than itself. Which means you will be worse than before deliverance. By making Jesus Lord in every area, he will help you to keep all doors closed to the enemy and not re-open the door through sin or even ignorance. Jesus is the only one strong enough to keep the devil out. No other remedy, medicine, counsel, therapy, or religion has the power to kick evil spirits out and then keep them out. Every area of your life needs to be yielded to the Lordship of Jesus for your own protection. Here is the Godly covenant you walk into by making Jesus, Lord, in all areas of your life:
- Isaiah Chapter 41: "Beloved, all evil who is against you will be put to shame and confounded. The evil who strive against you shall be nothing. You will look for those who contend against you but you will not find them. Those who war against you shall be as nothing at all (vs.11-12).
I, the Lord, hold your right hand. It is I, who says to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you' (vs.13).
I make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth. You shall thrash the mountains and crush them (vs.15).
You Satan, are nothing and your work is less than nothing. An abomination is he, who chooses you (vs.24).
Behold, (these demonic strategies) are all a delusion. Their works are nothing, their metal images are empty wind" (vs.29).
- Isaiah Chapter 41: "Beloved, all evil who is against you will be put to shame and confounded. The evil who strive against you shall be nothing. You will look for those who contend against you but you will not find them. Those who war against you shall be as nothing at all (vs.11-12).
- Be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is not an "it" or a "goosebump." He is esteemed as apart of the Godhead and a counterpart to Jesus Christ and God, the Father. Without him, we are lost on this earth with no conviction, comfort, counsel, or guidance. Jesus said that unless he left this earth, the Holy Spirit could not come, so it would be better for him to leave (John 16:7). As we learned in Matthew 12:43-45, it is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit after deliverance. Otherwise you will be seen as "unoccupied" and the evil spirits will return with other's more wicked than itself. If you need assistance in prayer to receive the Holy Spirit, ask the deliverance team to pray for you during your session. In Romans 10:9 we are told, "that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you believe that he was raised from the dead, you will be saved." Simply invite the Holy Spirit to come live inside of you and commit all areas of yourself to him. The Holy Spirit is an important key when fighting the demonic. When you are filled with his light, there is no room for darkness. He is a demon-flusher, which is exactly what you need in (and after) deliverance. One way to know if you are filled with his Spirit; the evidence will be in the fruit you produce. According to Matthew 7:17-18, a corrupt tree cannot bear good fruit, nor can a good tree produce corrupted fruit. Like a good farmer, spend some time and inspect your crops. Is there bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, unbelief, etc.? The Holy Spirit does not produce that kind of crop. According to Galatians 5:22-23 the fruit of the Spirit is, "love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." When you are filled with the Spirit, these are the fruits you will begin to produce. It is important to spend time with the Holy Spirit; after all, you are who you hang out with. Invite him into areas of your life. You can say, "Holy Spirit, I invite you to my workplace today. Help me to be led by you in all my decisions and the relationships I have at work." You will then hear him speak to you throughout your work day. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left there will be a voice behind you saying, 'this is the way, walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21). That "voice" is the Holy Spirit. Also, learn how to walk in the ways of the Spirit. You can get to know him, by reading the Word of God. The bible says the Holy Spirit is our comforter, and he only speaks what the Father tells him to say (John 14:26, John 16:13). One of the other signs you are filled with the Holy Spirit is the evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4). Many people, who have come to this ministry to receive deliverance have also received the gift of speaking in tongues. They simply asked for the gift and as we pray, the Holy Spirit baptized them in fire and they began speaking in tongues. According to Ephesians 6:18, a great weapon against the demonic attacks is to speak in tongues in all occasions (praying in the Spirit). If you speak in tongues, please make sure to read Paul's instructions in 1Corinthians chapter 14 on the handling of this gift. That way the church is in order and the gift is used properly.
- Live by God's word. Hebrews 4:12 says, "The Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and Spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." This is your greatest weapon, as Jesus beautifully displayed in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). He took up his sword and used the Word of God to defeat the enemy. He is our example. The best way to memorize scripture is to put verses on index cards and carry it with you until it is locked and loaded in your mind. When a demonic thought (flaming arrow) pops into your mind, counter it with the word you have already memorized. If there is one thing the devil's interested in, is preventing you from taking and wielding the sword of the Spirit because that is when you are going to become a danger to him. While using the sword, it is extremely important that your life lines up with the Word of God and does not contradict the pages in scripture. This will require you to read your Bible so that you can test and approve your life accurately to his truth. Give yourself grace because this will take time. Yet, just like you sacrificed years in school for what is only temporary. This kind of spiritual training is life giving and eternal. Matthew 6:19 says, "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
- Put on the full armor of God. According to Ephesians 6:10-18, we are to put on the complete armor every day to withstand the attacks of the evil one. I also encourage you to put it on every night before bed to protect you as you sleep. You can pray something like this, "In the name of Jesus, I place on my body in the spirit-realm the complete armor of God according to Ephesians 6. I firmly place the helmet of salvation on my head to protect my mind from the attacks of the enemy as I sleep. No weapon formed against my dreams will prosper in Jesus name." If you want to call out each piece of armor, as you place it on. I encourage you to do so. Remember, we are not fighting a war in the natural realm. It is the unseen realm that we are fighting against and we need to use spiritual armor that will protect us in that realm. The helmet of salvation is vital as you learn how to combat the enemy because it focuses on protecting your mind (where the battle is). When you are delivered of demons, your mind is finally set free. You are now the master of your own thoughts, which you have not experienced before. It is now your responsibility to change your thought patterns and habits. According to Romans 12:1-2, "You are no longer to conform to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's perfect will is." The way you transform your mind is by reading the Word of God (which brings us back to point #3).
- Cultivate right relationships. It is very important to have Godly relationships in your life as you are living in your freedom. According to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Paul encourages us to "not team up with unbelievers and not be partners with unbelievers." We need to be in right relationships and friendships that are like-minded and sanctified in Christ. It is important to associate with people who are going to build you up in Christ and not tempt you with darkness. "How can Light live with darkness (vs.14)? It is also important to be in a church that will stand with you, in faith, for your deliverance. Try to find a church that believes all the gifts of the Spirit are active today according to 1 Corinthians 12 and who believe that Christians can be demonized and completely set free through deliverance. I would encourage you to seek Godly mentorship with someone (of the same sex) that is rooted in the word of God and can build you up in truth and hold you accountable. Someone who will stand with you and pray with you. If you do not have a person in mind, pray and ask the Lord to send you a Godly mentor that you would enjoy.
- Stop actively sinning. As we learned from Ananias and Sapphira in Acts chapter 5, a believer in Christ can be filled with the enemy when they choose to sin (like theft, lying and deception in Ananias/Sapphira's case). During deliverance you were led to repent/renounce all sin. It is important not to continue in sin. 1John 3:8 says, "When people keep on sinning, it shows they belong to the Devil because the Devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the work of the Devil." Proverbs 28:13 also says, "Whoever conceals their sin does not prosper but the one who confesses and renounces them will find mercy." Do not be good at sinning. Someone who can get into the car after church and start slandering the pastor with no conviction has gotten good at sinning. Or maybe your conscience is seared to the foul language that proceeds from your mouth? Again, you have gotten good at sinning because you can partake with no conviction in your heart. It's impossible to never sin again (1 John 1:8) but develop a habit that as soon as you sin; "You repent, turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord" (Acts 3:19). Remember, sin is an open door to the enemy. When we sin, we invite the demonic in through partnership with darkness.
- Walk it out. After deliverance, we must live our lives differently. No longer shall we partner with darkness, but we shall "work out our salvation with (healthy) fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12). Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any open doors that might be currently hidden from your awareness. That is why submission to the leading and voice of the Holy Spirit is one of the keys. It is important to develop new habits such as going to church, finding a community of like-minded believers who will build you up and encourage you in the faith, reading the bible and praying regularly. The bible is the Lord's love letter to you. If your spouse wrote you a love letter, would you put it in a drawer and never open it? Of course not! The way we get to know God is by reading his Word. You will get familiar with his personality, thoughts and character. Always after deliverance people find it easier to read the Bible, the hindrance is gone and desire fills those empty parts. Opening the pages to God's truth will be the greatest adventure you ever accepted. Genuine deliverance results in other people noticing something different in you. Use that opportunity to share your testimony of deliverance with them. Just like you, they need to know they can be set free too. The bible says, one of the ways we overcome Satan, is by sharing our testimony (Revelation 12:11). People can't argue with your testimony, but they can definitely be inspired to seek it for themselves. Be the Light.
“Knowledge puts the key in your hand, but it’s faith that turns the key in the lock and opens up the treasure house of God’s riches in Christ.” |
If you are not familiar with Derek Prince, I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with his teachings on deliverance. He has a whole library of sermons on YouTube. Prince was an effective deliverance minister for over forty years, until he went to be with the Lord in 2003. It is safe to say that God used Derek Prince as a catalyst across the globe to reintroduce deliverance during a time when the church had turned a blind-eye. I certainly believe because of Derek's obedience to the Holy Spirit forty years ago regarding casting out demons, we sit here today.
I have included below, a YouTube link, of a teaching by Derek Prince that I believe will be beneficial in maintaining your deliverance. I highly encourage you to listen to the message.
Some of the points Derek Prince makes in this teaching, I included above in the "seven keys to keep your deliverance." Most of what I wrote, were my own thoughts, so please do not skip the video because you have already read the seven keys above.
I have included below, a YouTube link, of a teaching by Derek Prince that I believe will be beneficial in maintaining your deliverance. I highly encourage you to listen to the message.
Some of the points Derek Prince makes in this teaching, I included above in the "seven keys to keep your deliverance." Most of what I wrote, were my own thoughts, so please do not skip the video because you have already read the seven keys above.
God warns his children that we do not fight with weapons of the world, but we fight with Kingdom tools of spiritual warfare for the breaking down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). Here are some of the weapons the Lord gives us to dismantle the flaming arrows of our enemy:
The Lord gave me a 12-day battle strategy using the spiritual weapons listed above, in order to withstand the intense warfare after my deliverance. Isaiah 58:6 says, "Is not this the fast that I choose: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?
As I began this fast, I was exhausted and I felt defeated. Honestly, I didn't feel like fighting. However, Proverbs is a book full of wisdom and Proverbs 28:26 specifically says, "He who trusts in his own feelings is a fool but whoever walks wisely will be delivered." So I pressed past my foolish feelings and I chose to walk wisely.
My mind was the place where the battle raged. Thoughts of fear and doubt continuously argued themselves against the knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:5). As soon as I would rebuke one thought, another would raise itself up. There was no rest in the beginning; even my dreams were under attack. I needed Jesus to finish this battle for me as I clung to 2 Chronicles 20:15,
"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours, but God's."
By day two and three of the fast, I noticed the demonic thoughts and attacks let up considerably.
By day four and five, my mind was healthy and free. I was no longer under demonic attack, I had submitted to God, resisted the devil and he had fled from me.
This reminds me of Daniel's battle strategy to fast for three weeks while seeking God (Daniel 10:2-3). What's interesting about this fast, is that we see in verse 12 an angel appears to Daniel and says, "Daniel, since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the Prince of the Persian kingdom (demonic principality) resisted me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes (Arch Angel), came to help me (lower ranking angel), because I was detained there with (the demonic principality)."
If this doesn't give us insight into the spirit-realm, I'm not sure what will? Did you notice that the angel acknowledged the importance of "setting your mind" on the first day of the fast? Our Spirit is willing but our flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41), so its important that we develop a plan and set our minds to follow through with it. In the meantime, rest assured that all of heaven is backing you and angels are fighting for your freedom.
The battle plan God gave to me was effective and true. Around this same time, someone reached out to me who was also under attack and they incorporated this fast and they too received quick relief from the enemy.
Below, I provide the details of this 12-day fast for anyone who still needs to battle after their deliverance. Keep in mind, not everyone experiences attacks after they are first set free. Hallelujah, if you happen to be one of those people but take this battle strategy and tuck it into your back pocket for when the evil one comes knocking.
- Fasting
- Prayer
- Worship and praise
- Holy Communion
- Read the Bible
- Speak the scriptures in response to the enemy
- Speak in tongues (pray in the Spirit)
The Lord gave me a 12-day battle strategy using the spiritual weapons listed above, in order to withstand the intense warfare after my deliverance. Isaiah 58:6 says, "Is not this the fast that I choose: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?
As I began this fast, I was exhausted and I felt defeated. Honestly, I didn't feel like fighting. However, Proverbs is a book full of wisdom and Proverbs 28:26 specifically says, "He who trusts in his own feelings is a fool but whoever walks wisely will be delivered." So I pressed past my foolish feelings and I chose to walk wisely.
My mind was the place where the battle raged. Thoughts of fear and doubt continuously argued themselves against the knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:5). As soon as I would rebuke one thought, another would raise itself up. There was no rest in the beginning; even my dreams were under attack. I needed Jesus to finish this battle for me as I clung to 2 Chronicles 20:15,
"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours, but God's."
By day two and three of the fast, I noticed the demonic thoughts and attacks let up considerably.
By day four and five, my mind was healthy and free. I was no longer under demonic attack, I had submitted to God, resisted the devil and he had fled from me.
This reminds me of Daniel's battle strategy to fast for three weeks while seeking God (Daniel 10:2-3). What's interesting about this fast, is that we see in verse 12 an angel appears to Daniel and says, "Daniel, since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the Prince of the Persian kingdom (demonic principality) resisted me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes (Arch Angel), came to help me (lower ranking angel), because I was detained there with (the demonic principality)."
If this doesn't give us insight into the spirit-realm, I'm not sure what will? Did you notice that the angel acknowledged the importance of "setting your mind" on the first day of the fast? Our Spirit is willing but our flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41), so its important that we develop a plan and set our minds to follow through with it. In the meantime, rest assured that all of heaven is backing you and angels are fighting for your freedom.
The battle plan God gave to me was effective and true. Around this same time, someone reached out to me who was also under attack and they incorporated this fast and they too received quick relief from the enemy.
Below, I provide the details of this 12-day fast for anyone who still needs to battle after their deliverance. Keep in mind, not everyone experiences attacks after they are first set free. Hallelujah, if you happen to be one of those people but take this battle strategy and tuck it into your back pocket for when the evil one comes knocking.
Twelve Day Fast:
Remember, you are in war. Have a strategic plan, know your enemy and FIGHT! For intense warfare: Plan 12 days For regular warfare: Plan 6 days For general fasting: Plan 3 days |
Battle Strategy |
"Is not this the fast that I choose: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?
~ Isaiah 58:6
(Audio version of this prayer is at the link below)
~ Heavenly Father, I thank you that I am your child. The word declares that you have given the right to become a child of God to all of those who received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I'm grateful for this assurance. I belong to you and as your child, I'm under your protection. Thank you for making me aware of the plans of the enemy. You told me that he only comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Because I know the schemes and plans of the enemy, I can stand firm against him in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank you that you did not leave me ignorant and vulnerable to his schemes. I declare and decree that the plans and the purposes of God shall prevail in my life. I declare and decree that the plans of the enemy shall fail and not prosper. As you have made known the schemes and tricks of the enemy.
Father, you have also given your word as a weapon against him, your word is mighty. For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul, Spirit, joint, and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart. Thank you Lord, for your word. I pray your word over me and my family as protection. I use your word to cancel the plans of the enemy. I clothe myself in the full armor of God, so I will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Your armor gives me the strength to combat all that Satan sends to harm me.
Father, when I am hard-pressed on every side, I pray for you to be my hiding place. Be my refuge and shelter me from the wickedness that Satan is plotting against me. When troubles set upon me, I pray that you will preserve me from trouble. Surround me like the mountains around Jerusalem. Be my refuge and strength, a present help in trouble. Father, I pray when Satan comes to kill, you will give me life. Your word declares that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So give me your life when death pursues me. I pray your word over me that declares, "I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord." I stand now in the name of Jesus and declare that there shall be no more demonic attacks, no more demonic lack, distress, depression, disease, doubt, or fear, in Jesus name. Lord, any plan plotted by humans or devils, I reject under the authority of the name of Jesus. Any negative words spoken against me or my family, I reject under the authority of the name of Jesus. I shatter all generational curses and generational spirits, they all end now. Poverty and lack will not be in my house, in Jesus name.
Lord, you have declared that you will restore the years the locust stole. Nothing stolen will be lacking in my life. I cancel the thieves plans against me, you have given everything I need for life and godliness. The devil has no right to these things. Thank you for your power to restore. When the enemy comes to destroy, I stand on your word that states, "We are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed." You will not allow the devil to have charge over me. Your spirit gives me the victory over all that Satan will bring my way. I'm victorious and a conqueror in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. I command that the powers of the enemy be broken off of my life, be broken off of my marriage, be broken off of my home, be broken off of my mind, be broken off of my finances. I cancel every feeling or thought of fear in Jesus name. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Because you are my helper, I will not fear what the enemy can do to me. I will not fear what he can do to my body because my soul is safe with you.
Lord, I declare that I am strong in you. You will never leave or forsake me, you are my strength. I am not afraid because you cannot fail and with you I cannot fail. My children also cannot fail. I thank you Lord, that no weapon formed against me or my family will prosper. Every tongue that rises against me in judgment, you have given me the authority to condemn. I stand in this heritage because I am a servant of the Lord. My righteousness is of you, Lord.
Heavenly Father, I declare that I can do all things through you and I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Nothing will separate me from the love of Jesus Christ. When depression comes, it will not separate me from your love. When persecution comes, it will not separate me from your love, when famine or nakedness or peril comes, it will not separate me from your love in Christ Jesus. I pray the verses of Psalm 91 over me and my family as I cancel all that Satan tries to send against us...
Most High God, please help me to dwell in your shelter and abide in your shadow. God help me to take refuge in you, deliver me from the snare of the enemy and any evil he sends against me. Cover me Lord, hide me in your wing, you are faithful Lord. I will not fear the terror by night or any evil by day. I will not fear pestilence of the dark or destruction by night. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right but it will not come near me.
Lord, as I cancel all that the enemy has planned for me, I trust all you have in store. You have declared that your plans are to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me hope and a future. I stand on your plans. Reveal to me o' Lord, any openings for the devil in my life, so I may close them by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
~ Heavenly Father, I thank you that I am your child. The word declares that you have given the right to become a child of God to all of those who received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I'm grateful for this assurance. I belong to you and as your child, I'm under your protection. Thank you for making me aware of the plans of the enemy. You told me that he only comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Because I know the schemes and plans of the enemy, I can stand firm against him in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank you that you did not leave me ignorant and vulnerable to his schemes. I declare and decree that the plans and the purposes of God shall prevail in my life. I declare and decree that the plans of the enemy shall fail and not prosper. As you have made known the schemes and tricks of the enemy.
Father, you have also given your word as a weapon against him, your word is mighty. For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul, Spirit, joint, and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart. Thank you Lord, for your word. I pray your word over me and my family as protection. I use your word to cancel the plans of the enemy. I clothe myself in the full armor of God, so I will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Your armor gives me the strength to combat all that Satan sends to harm me.
Father, when I am hard-pressed on every side, I pray for you to be my hiding place. Be my refuge and shelter me from the wickedness that Satan is plotting against me. When troubles set upon me, I pray that you will preserve me from trouble. Surround me like the mountains around Jerusalem. Be my refuge and strength, a present help in trouble. Father, I pray when Satan comes to kill, you will give me life. Your word declares that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So give me your life when death pursues me. I pray your word over me that declares, "I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord." I stand now in the name of Jesus and declare that there shall be no more demonic attacks, no more demonic lack, distress, depression, disease, doubt, or fear, in Jesus name. Lord, any plan plotted by humans or devils, I reject under the authority of the name of Jesus. Any negative words spoken against me or my family, I reject under the authority of the name of Jesus. I shatter all generational curses and generational spirits, they all end now. Poverty and lack will not be in my house, in Jesus name.
Lord, you have declared that you will restore the years the locust stole. Nothing stolen will be lacking in my life. I cancel the thieves plans against me, you have given everything I need for life and godliness. The devil has no right to these things. Thank you for your power to restore. When the enemy comes to destroy, I stand on your word that states, "We are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed." You will not allow the devil to have charge over me. Your spirit gives me the victory over all that Satan will bring my way. I'm victorious and a conqueror in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. I command that the powers of the enemy be broken off of my life, be broken off of my marriage, be broken off of my home, be broken off of my mind, be broken off of my finances. I cancel every feeling or thought of fear in Jesus name. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Because you are my helper, I will not fear what the enemy can do to me. I will not fear what he can do to my body because my soul is safe with you.
Lord, I declare that I am strong in you. You will never leave or forsake me, you are my strength. I am not afraid because you cannot fail and with you I cannot fail. My children also cannot fail. I thank you Lord, that no weapon formed against me or my family will prosper. Every tongue that rises against me in judgment, you have given me the authority to condemn. I stand in this heritage because I am a servant of the Lord. My righteousness is of you, Lord.
Heavenly Father, I declare that I can do all things through you and I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Nothing will separate me from the love of Jesus Christ. When depression comes, it will not separate me from your love. When persecution comes, it will not separate me from your love, when famine or nakedness or peril comes, it will not separate me from your love in Christ Jesus. I pray the verses of Psalm 91 over me and my family as I cancel all that Satan tries to send against us...
Most High God, please help me to dwell in your shelter and abide in your shadow. God help me to take refuge in you, deliver me from the snare of the enemy and any evil he sends against me. Cover me Lord, hide me in your wing, you are faithful Lord. I will not fear the terror by night or any evil by day. I will not fear pestilence of the dark or destruction by night. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right but it will not come near me.
Lord, as I cancel all that the enemy has planned for me, I trust all you have in store. You have declared that your plans are to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me hope and a future. I stand on your plans. Reveal to me o' Lord, any openings for the devil in my life, so I may close them by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
~ Prayer by Lion of Judah
A Promise From God |
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