FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSThis page was designed to answer your basic questions about deliverance and spiritual warfare. We highly recommend reading this entire page before contacting us to receive ministry. In doing so, you can make an informed decision on how to move forward with what to expect for a successful deliverance. |
"A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the Spirit. The discerning heart seeks knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash." - Proverbs 15:13-14 |
Can A Christian Have A Demon
- Can a Christian have a demon is one of the most frequently asked questions. The short answer is, yes.
- A Christian can have a demon but a demon cannot have a Christian!
- The good news is a Christian cannot be possessed by an evil spirit. Possession implies ownership and a believer is already secured in the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately in the original KJV, when speaking of demonic influence, the translation reads possessed which can cause confusion to the reader. The more accurate translation should be demonized. The Greek noun daimon gives rise to a verb daimonizomi and occurs twelve times in the New Testament. The English equivalent of this verb is demonize, which the English Collins Dictionary defines as "subject to demonic influence."
- Paul tells us in 1Thessalonians 5:23, that humans are made up of "spirit, soul and body, which are subjected to be incomplete." When the Holy Spirit comes to live in a person at the moment of conversion, their "spirit" is now made complete. When an evil spirit demonizes a person, they are attached in the "soul" realm and the soul is the location where the demon is driven out. Our soul is made up of our mind, will and emotions. This is where the demonic find access to hide and torment. I'm sure if you've been in the church long enough you have heard people say, "The battlefield is in the mind?" They are absolutely correct. The soul is where you cast a demon out and the Christian can then experience freedom while the Spirit stays intact. Only when the soul and Spirit are made complete, can you experience true freedom as Jesus promised. When Jesus instructed his followers to address the demonic by "casting them out," nowhere in scripture does he say through salvation the demons are automatically driven out. You cannot crucify a demon through salvation; rather Jesus said you must "cast it out" (Matt 8:16, Matt 9:33, Matt 10:8, Matt 12:28, Mark 1:34, Mark 1:39, Mark 3:15, Mark 6:13, Mark 16:9, Mark 16:17, Luke 13:32). For example, if you struggle with a spirit of depression or a spirit of fear, you can't crucify it through salvation, you must confront it and cast it out. Casting a demon out is different than "crucifying the flesh" (Galatians 5:24) in order to not partner with sin. Once the spirit has been cast out, then you can "crucify the flesh" effectively.
- When in doubt, seek the scriptures. As of today, there is not one single Bible verse which states that Christians are exempt from demonization (requiring deliverance). Nor are we forewarned to avoid casting out a demon from a believer; I have yet to find one scripture to back that theory up. On the other hand, I have found several verses proving that the Children of God are indeed bound by Satan and require deliverance as explained below:
- Judas, Peter, Ananias and Sapphira were a few examples of people who followed Jesus and the bible says they were filled with Satan (the demonic). In Acts 5:1-11 we read about Ananias and Sapphira who are husband and wife. They were apart of the Acts church who were included in Pentecost and the filling of the Holy Spirit. At one point they decided to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep for themselves tithes that were for the church. When Peter confronted them he said, "How is it that Satan has filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the Land?" The translation for "filled" is the same word used in Acts 4:31 where it says, "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." The definition of "filled" according to Google says, "become an overwhelming presence inside; pervade." Why would the Bible use the term filled, if a Christian could not be "filled" with an evil spirit? Acts 5:1-11 is a good example of Christians who were filled with the Holy Spirit and at the same time filled with the demonic too. Ananias and Sapphira opened the door to evil and the legal right granted was through greed, deception, lying and theft.
- Peter, one of the twelve disciples who penned several books of the Bible, was rebuked by Jesus when Satan spoke out of him. Peter was unaware Satan was speaking through him, although Jesus discerned it immediately. In Matthew 16:23 Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but only the things of men.” We see that Jesus responds to the disciple, but directly speaks to Satan through Peter.
- Before Judas betrayed Christ, he was considered a disciple from Jesus' inner circle. Judas walked closely with him as a follower and performed many signs, miracles, and wonders (including casting out demons). I'm sure they laughed together and broke bread regularly. John 13:27 says, "As soon as Judas took the bread from Jesus (at the Last Super), Satan entered into him." Judas was a believer and a follower of Christ. According to John, Satan was able to enter Judas through an open door called, greed. Sounds familiar to the same "door" Ananias and Sapphira opened which caused Satan to "fill" them as well.
- Paul warns the church of Corinth in 2 Corinthians 11:4 that he was "afraid" this church would "receive a different kind of spirit" than the Holy Spirit they had already received. We also see in Galatians, Paul was concerned for the church of Galatia because a spirit of witchcraft had "bewitched" them.
- Jesus often delivered a person right in the middle of the synagogue (church) while he preached (Mark 1:21-28). To believe a Christian is exempt from demonization is simply not scriptural. It was not uncommon for him to deliver people in the church. "Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons" (Mark 1:39). Or another example would be in Luke 4:33, "In the synagogue there was a man demonized by an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice."
- According to Mark 7:25-30, Jesus made it clear that deliverance was specifically for the children of God. A Syro-Phoenician woman, who was not in God’s family, begged Jesus to deliver her little girl from demonic oppression. Believe it or not, Jesus refused her and said that deliverance was the “children’s bread” (for the children of God). The woman responded with great faith and belief in Jesus, which resulted in his favor to deliver her daughter. It was her faith in Jesus that granted her access to deliverance and that moment her daughter was set free. This testimony begs the question; If it were not possible for a Christian to need deliverance, then why would Jesus say that deliverance is only for the children of God and not the unbeliever?
We also learn from this story, coupled with the deliverance in Mark 9:14-29, that it’s biblical for young children to need deliverance. Two out of the seven testimonies of Jesus delivering his people, were children. We see in Mark 9:21, Jesus asks how long the boy had been demonized? The father replies, “since he was a little boy.” Again, in Mark 7:25 the bible says, “A woman whose little daughter was demonized by an evil spirit.” In both cases, Jesus cast the unclean spirits out of the children and they were delivered. Nowhere in scripture does Jesus forbid deliverance for children or does he teach that little ones cannot be demonized. The bible proves otherwise; that children and Christians can be demonized. - We see another example in Luke 13:10-17. After Jesus delivered a woman of an evil spirit that tormented her for eighteen years, the religious and legalistic rulers were indignant and spoke against Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. Jesus silenced them and called them hypocrites. He said, "You hypocrites...Should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?" Jesus considered this woman a child of God by calling her "a daughter of Abraham." He also said that this daughter was bound by Satan. Again, we see that deliverance is the "children's bread" and that a child of God can also be bound by Satan.
- In Acts chapter 8, there was a man named Simon. His testimony was powerful because he got rescued out of witchcraft when he began to follow Jesus. He had practiced sorcery and magic which granted him an open door to the demonic. Yet, he gave up the dark side and became a Believer and was baptized (Acts 8:13). Sometime later, Paul rebuked Simon and said, "For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin" (vs. 23). Just because Simon received salvation and was baptized, he was still bound as Paul discerned it. The Spirit of Bitterness will often show up in a deliverance. Can you guess how it manifests? Sometimes the person will experience the most bitter taste in the back of their mouth until the spirit is cast out, it is unmistakable.
- When a guest has permission to live in your house, you grant them the right to have access into your home. Your guest occupies a particular room and is free to roam certain parts of the house. Yet, it’s common knowledge the master bedroom is off limits. As the owner of the house, at any point you have the right to evict and change the locks. In the same way, this is how a demon(s) can take up residency inside a Christian who belongs to the Holy Spirit. The master bedroom (your Spirit) belongs to the Holy Spirit and the demonic is considered the guest (in your soul) who was granted permission through some legality. For example, you can give room to fear or anger. You can give another room to Eastern Religions and idols, etc. By opening the door, you grant access to your enemy who is free to roam from room to room but does not have ownership. The good news is you have something greater than their access, it's called authority! The title deed to the house belongs to the Holy Spirit, which means you have been given the authority to kick the "renters" out, but only by the name of JESUS!
- There is overwhelming evidence in scripture, listed above, proving that a Christian can be demonized. For the skeptics who hold onto this notion that a Believer cannot be demonized; I ask you, please provide the scripture that says Christians cannot have a demon. I have yet to find one.
Is Casting Out Demons Foolishness
- 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 the apostle Paul says, "This is what we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."
- Is casting out demons foolish to the world? Yes.
- Is casting out demons foolish to the "religious" (legalistic) people? Yes.
- The reason casting out demons seems absolutely crazy and foolish to them is because these people are carnal. They try and understand deliverance with a natural mindset, but casting out demons is strictly a spiritual matter and can only be understood with your spiritual ears. Demons are spiritual and they operate in the spiritual realm. Paul says it must be spiritually discerned and the man without the Spirit will NOT accept the things that come from the Spirit of God because it seems foolish to him.
- John 4:24 says, "God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth." When considering the things of God, we must not forget that he operates in the spirit realm. Our carnal and natural mindset must be subjected to the Holy Spirit in order to interpret the realm in which God lives.
- Paul then flips the script if you read a little further to 1 Corinthians 3:18 when he says, "Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this world, he should become a fool so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is FOOLISHNESS to God!"
- So according to God, his children are wise for believing what the world calls "foolish" and they are considered a fool for what the world calls wise. Did you catch that revelation?
- 1 Corinthians 1:27- "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."
Will We Perform Deliverance On A Non-Christian
- We will not perform deliverance on an unbeliever. Unless you are a born-again Christian or planning to become one during the session, this ministry will not perform a deliverance on a non-Christian.
- Yes, someone who is NOT a Christian can have demons cast out of them. Although at this ministry it is not our practice.
- Jesus is clear in Matthew 12:43-45 that if an evil spirit is cast out of an unbeliever and they do not receive the Holy Spirit, the person is considered "unoccupied." The evil spirit will return with seven more evil than itself, resulting in the person being worse than before deliverance.
- After deliverance it is vital to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit, withstand the temptations of sin, and commit to reading the Word of God. Without this practice, the unbeliever would fall back into the traps of the enemy while opening a revolving door to the demonic. The enemy will simply return because the vessel is weak. Maintaining freedom is a life-long commitment for the believer. Freedom thrives in the practice of holiness and righteous living. I'm reminded of what Jesus said to the adulterous woman, "Go now and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11).
- According to Mark 7:25-30, Jesus made it clear that deliverance was specifically for the children of God. A Syro-Phoenician woman, who was not in God’s family, begged Jesus to deliver her little girl from demonic oppression. Believe it or not, Jesus refused her and said that deliverance was the “children’s bread” (for the children of God). The woman responded with great faith and belief in Jesus, which resulted in his favor to deliver her daughter. It was her faith in Jesus that granted her access to deliverance and that moment her daughter was set free. We believe deliverance is the inheritance of the Children of God.
Who Is A Candidate For Deliverance
- First and foremost, you must want your freedom more than we want it for you. You also must desire change more than you fear it! Each candidate is required to fill out a deliverance form, found on this website, providing detailed personal information regarding their life and family history. If a person is unwilling to fill out the form, we will not offer deliverance to that individual. We also do not accept forms from people who have been strong-armed into this by a loved one. There should be an element of desperation for the one seeking freedom. Keep in mind that unbelief is a huge hindrance in deliverance.
- The way you approach deliverance will determine your victory. It is vital for the success of your deliverance to be honest, transparent and forthcoming while answering the form. Without all of the requested information, the team can be unsuccessful in casting out demons.
- On this website, under the tab "Common Symptoms," you will find a list of common demonic attacks and manifestations. This is not an exhaustive list but will provide a decent starting point to determine if you need deliverance. Look over the list and see if any apply to you.
- Even when a person is unaware of the supernatural realm, often times there is somewhat of an awareness that something is not right within them. They might not be able to articulate that they are tormented by an evil spirit but as they learn about deliverance, things start to make sense as to what they are experiencing (heaviness, a dark cloud, hindrances, extreme emotions, uncharacteristic behaviors, undiagnosed medical conditions, etc).
- We will not move forward in deliverance if you are unwilling to renounce/repent current (and past) sin in your life or for whatever reason you are not ready to stop engaging in a specific sin (drugs, alcohol abuse, sexual sin, witchcraft, occult practices, theft, deception, etc). In order to have a successful deliverance, all sin must be renounced otherwise the demonic does not have to leave. Your sin grants them an open door and legal access.
- We will not move forward in deliverance if you are unwilling to forgive those who have wronged you, harmed you, abused you, and mistreated you. Mark 11:25 says, "When you pray, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them so that your Father may forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14, echoes the same spiritual law. Until you release the person who has harmed you, the demons will not release you and the ministry team will be unsuccessful.
- We will not perform deliverance on an unbeliever. Unless you are a born-again Christian or planning to become one during the session, this ministry will not perform a deliverance on a non-Christian. Jesus is clear in Matthew 12:43-45 that if an evil spirit is cast out of an unbeliever and they do not receive the Holy Spirit, the person is considered "unoccupied." The evil spirit will return with seven more evil than itself, resulting in the person being worse than before deliverance. After deliverance, it is vital to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit, withstand the temptations of sin, and commit to reading the Word of God. Without this practice, the unbeliever will fall back into the traps of the enemy and open the doors again, which will result in a worse position than before.
Can A Child or Teen Receive Deliverance
- According to the deliverances recorded in Mark 7:25-30 and Mark 9:14-29, we learn that it is biblical for young children to have unclean spirits tormenting them. Two out of the seven biblical testimonies of Jesus delivering his people, were children.
- In Mark 7:25 the bible says, “A woman whose little daughter was demonized by an evil spirit.”
- We see in Mark 9:21, Jesus asks the parent how long the boy had been demonized? The father replied, “Since he was a little boy.”
- In both cases, Jesus casts the unclean spirits out of the children and they were instantly healed and delivered. Nowhere in scripture does Jesus forbid deliverance for children or does he teach that little ones cannot be demonized. The bible proves otherwise; that children and Christians can be demonized.
- We recommend both parents of the child go through deliverance first. Often times, the result of the child is directly linked to generational curses passed through the bloodline as taught in Deuteronomy chapters 27 and 28. It is the responsibility of the parents to break the generational curses affecting their children and generations there after.
- We recommend both parents attend the child's deliverance, with the presence of the father taking priority as the head of the house.
- We recommend the book, "A Manual For Children's Deliverance" by Frank Hammond. This is an excellent book that will answer all of your questions regarding children and teens receiving deliverance.
How Do You Get Rid Of A Demon
- A Believer must command the evil spirit to come out and never enter the person again, under the authority of Jesus Christ. Mark 9:25- "Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, 'You deaf and mute spirit. I command you to come out of him and never enter him again.' The spirit shrieked, convulsed the boy violently and came out." Pay attention that it's biblical to have dramatic manifestations occur while the spirit is coming out of the person. In Mark 9:25, the spirit shrieked (screamed) through the boy's mouth and convulsed him violently while coming out. We learn here, the boy loses complete control of his body due to the spirit being expelled by Jesus' command.
- There is no such thing as casting a demon off of you. If you search the scriptures you will find that demons are to be cast out of you.
- In Ephesians 6:12 the church is given insight into the spiritual battle we face, "We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world."
- These '"wicked spirits in the spirit world" do not have bodies, therefore they crave to live in a human body so they can carry out their assignment like depression, suicide, addiction, infirmity, sexual immorality, fears and anxiety. Throughout the Gospel's, Jesus clearly gives his church insight on how to be set free of these evil spirits. He said you must "cast it out." Incase you struggle with this, here is overwhelming proof where the bible refers to the spirit being cast out (or driven out) of the person:
- Matthew 8:16, Matthew 9:33, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 12:28, Mark 1:34, Mark 1:39, Mark 3:15, Mark 6:13, Mark 16:9, Mark 16:17, Luke 13:32.
- Jesus did not say get rid of the demon by counseling, medicating or reading more scripture. He said you confront the unclean spirit and drive it out from inside the person. Some people would feel more comfortable with the idea of the spirit attached on you rather than in you. Yet, it's simply not biblical nor have we experienced it in the deliverances we conduct.
- Counseling, taking medication and reading scripture are all acceptable remedies in appropriate circumstances. When dealing with a person who is tormented by a demon, their full freedom will only be achieved the way Jesus demonstrated in the Bible casting it out.
How Does Deliverance Work
- When you clean out your garage it is most common to find a spider web. Have you ever noticed the spider is usually nowhere to be found? Common sense tells me if I see a web, there must be a spider. Why is it that a person can see a tangled web resulting in their life but fail to see the spirit behind it? If I cleared the webs out of my garage, you can guarantee a new one would form until I killed the spider. Deliverance is the act of cleaning out the webs in your garage, while uprooting and killing the "spider."
- If you have evil spirits tormenting you, it's because a door was opened and access was granted by you or it came by your ancestors through a generational curse. The job of the ministry team is to find out all the legalities (including generational curses), sever their rights and kick them out.
- The five main areas of focus when breaking legal rights:
- Unforgiveness (Mark 11:25, Matthew 6:14-15)
- Renouncing Sin/Behaviors (Proverbs 28:13, 1John 1:9, 1John 3:8)
- Breaking Generational Curses (Deuteronomy 5:9, Deuteronomy Ch. 27 & Ch. 28)
- Breaking Soul Ties (1Samual 18:1, Mark 10:8, 1Corinthians 6:16)
- Take lies captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5, John 8:44)
- Without breaking legal rights, the demonic has permission to stay. Once legal rights are broken, when confronted under the authority of Christ, they will surface and leave your body. Often times with unnatural manifestations.
- Each deliverance begins with the team leader walking the person through breaking all legalities found throughout their deliverance form. This is why it is vital to include as much requested information in the deliverance form, so the team can put together an exhausted legality list on your behalf. After the person has been led through prayers of forgiveness, renouncing sin, breaking generational curses/soul ties, and taking lies captive, the leader will begin to confront the demons and command them to go. When the process is done correctly, evil spirits come to the surface rather quickly and then leave.
- For whatever your reason, if you hold back information requested in the form and the team is unaware of what you are keeping in secret. You will most likely manifest in deliverance but the evil spirits will not leave no matter how much the team commands them to go. It will be a waste of time to enter into the deliverance session with secrets, there is no way around it. The team will know there is something hidden if the stubborn spirit will not leave because it's holding onto a hidden legal right. If you are not willing to be forthcoming while filling out the deliverance form, than deliverance is not for you at this time.
Scriptures About Deliverance
- Below are a few scriptures that speak on deliverance. Always make a practice of checking what the Word of God says about a subject. Deliverance is biblical and an important part of evangelism. When Jesus sent his followers out, he commanded them to drive out demons. He first sent out the twelve disciples and told them to drive out unclean spirits (Luke 9:1). Then he sent out his seventy-two followers with the same authority (Luke 10:17). Finally, he commanded all who believe in him to cast out evil spirits in Jesus name (Mark 16:17). He also specifically told his followers that if someone else drives out demons in his name, "Do not stop them" (Mark 9:38-39).
- If a church is not following Jesus' command and teaching on deliverance nor casting out demons, it's probably because they are uneducated on the subject and have most likely never seen it. Unfortunately, ignorance on the subject will often cause the church leaders to not believe it's real or exsists. Even though there is overwhelming amounts of scripture and a clear command from Jesus to drive out demons. Yet ignorance in this case, is not bliss! The pews are filled with tormented people forced to seek other remedies that are not the prescription Jesus gave to the church to rid us of torment. Instead, the church has normalized demonic symptoms and a great wave of confusion has bewitched the congregation. Come spend one week with our ministry conducting deliverances and witness the overwhelming transformation following deliverance and then form an opinion. Remember what Jesus says, "When you drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then you will know the Kingdom of God is upon you" (Matthew 12:28). Once you have seen a deliverance, there is no question the Kingdom of God is right before your eyes... Unless of course, you are a Pharisee.
- I would encourage any Christian who feels "led" to contact this ministry in order to stop us from following through what Christ has commissioned, to not waste your time. We will either tell you what Jesus told his disciples, "Do not stop us from deliverance" (Mark 9:38-38). Or what Jesus told the religious Pharisees, "You hypocrites! Should not these people, the children of God, whom Satan has kept bound, be set free from what bound them" (Luke 13:15-16)?
Scripture About Deliverance & Spiritual Warefare |
Stories of Deliverance in Scripture |
Joel 2:32 |
The Synagogue at Capernaum: Mark 1:23-26. Luke 4:33-37 |
Mark 16:17 |
The Gadarene Man: Mark 5:1-20, Matt 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-39 |
Luke 10:17-19 |
The Syro-Phoenician Woman: Mark 7:24-30, Matt 15:21-28 |
Matthew 12:28 |
The Boy: Mark 9:14-29, Matthew 17:14-20, Luke 9:37-43 |
2 Timothy 1:7 |
The Dumb Spirit: Matthew 9:32, Luke 11:14-15 |
Isaiah 61:3 |
The Blind and Dumb Spirit: Matthew 12:22-28 |
James 4:7 |
The Crippled Spirit: Luke 13:11-16 |
Psalm 34:7 |
The Slave Girl: Acts 16:16-18 |
John 8:36 |
The Strong Man at Ephesus: Acts 19:13-17 |
Ephesians 6:10-18 |
Ignorant People Attempting Deliverance: Acts 19:13-16 |
Matthew 12:43-45 |
Mary Magdalene: Luke 8:2 |
Matthew 18:18 |
1 John 4:3-4 |
1 John 3:8 |
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 |
Mark 9:38-39 |
- Why is it that a Christian will so easily go to any extent in healing their physical body at the doctors office and believe every diagnosis the physician reports? They will allow the doctor to take off their clothes, poke and prod, slice and dice, all while charging you a fortune and then left to deal with your dreaded insurance company. Yet, when it comes to your spiritual health and Jesus (the Physician) says the remedy for your spiritual condition is deliverance; resistance and unbelief is met. They say, "Who do you think you are? I don't have spiritual oppression, I don't believe in that!" Is that what you would say to the doctor if he told you that you had cancer? To ignore or doubt the problem will not cause it to go away. There are spiritual battles that medicine can't cure.
- To be clear, we believe in the medical field and we have seen God powerfully use doctors to heal the sick. Luke, the writer of one of the Gospel's, was a known physician. We will always advise people to seek the counsel of your doctor while seeking Divine healing. It is to our understanding, seeking a doctor only when it is a spiritual matter, will often times lead the person to a dead-end.
What Are Some Tricks Of The Enemy
- John 21:25- "Jesus did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written." Another words, all of the Bible is of God but not all of God is in the Bible. Did you catch that revelation? Just because something is not included or fully explained in the Bible does not mean it is not from God. If it contradicts scripture that is when you are in dangerous territory. For example; if you believe that your dead relative is trying to communicate, so God sends you a Medium in order to help you connect with them or hear what they have to say. You are contradicting scripture and walking in deception. The Lord says is Deuteronomy 18:11-12, "Do not practice witchcraft or go to a medium or spiritist or consult the dead. Anyone who does these things are detestable to the Lord." It is important to know the Word of God so you can decipher if you are contradicting it.
- Since the New Testament was written two thousand years ago, the enemy has not slowed down. It does not take a biblical scholar to look at the current state of our earth to conclude that evil has doubled-down and multiplied to the tenth power. The kingdom of darkness is as unified as the German Nazi's marching to the salute of Hitler. Their plans and assignments against humanity have only strengthened and become even more intricate and complicated. Revelation 12:12 says, "Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short." Our enemy had an additional 2,000 years to perfect his trade since John penned that riveting verse in Revelation. He has only invented more ways to sin, curse and bind his victims. The fact that Satan's time is even shorter now in the twenty-first century and we are living in the end times, only solidifies the increase in his plan to trick, strategize and destroy. To stick your head in the sand or partner with the lie that God does not want us to know and defeat our enemy is to contradict scripture.
- In John chapter three, Jesus helps Nicodemus to understand the unseen realm by comparing it to the wind. Jesus says that you can feel it but you can't see it. You cannot physically see your enemy but you can feel his evil all around you. Satan's fingerprints are embedded into the fabric of our culture, no matter where you look. His time is short which means there is no greater moment for the body of Christ to learn his strategies and take the victory by kicking him out.
- Not all of Satan's strategies are explained in scripture, in fact, very few are. Which is why it is imperative to be led by the Holy Spirit when operating in deliverance. The more experience you have in casting out demons, the more exposure you will have to their tricks, strategies and operations. You learn as you go. We have gained a lot of demonic intel through our experience in this ministry. Here are a few tactics we learned along the way:
- Demons can inflict unexplainable pain in a person's body that will cause you to seek medical help. When the doctor cannot diagnose the problem, most people turn to other remedies for relief like Yoga (Brahmanism, Hinduism), Reiki (Buddhism), energy healing (Taoism, New Age), chiropractors (Spiritist, Necromancy, witchcraft), cupping (Taoism), acupuncture (Taoism), etc. All of these specific practices are rooted in Eastern religions or witchcraft. If a practice is founded through a different religion and a Christian is using their remedies for healing (knowingly or unknowingly), it is an abomination to the Lord according to Exodus 23:24. Which says, "You must not worship the gods of other nations (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, New Age, etc.) or serve them in any way or imitate their evil practices. Instead, you must utterly destroy them and smash their sacred pillars. You must serve only the LORD your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness." Here is how the enemy tricks a Christian (or anyone for that matter) who partners with these religious practices:
- A demon inflicts the Christian with lower back pain.
- They do not know the pain is related to a spiritual matter.
- The doctor cannot find the problem.
- The Christian's next step is to seek some kind of relief but does not understand the spiritual implications of practices rooted in foreign religions and other gods. They also do not understand the bible forbids it (Exodus 23:24).
- The Christian submits their body on a table given to the practice of Taoism (Traditional Chinese Medicine and ancient Taoist philosophy) in hopes that cupping will relieve their pain.
- The demon that is causing the pain in the lower back will temporarily lessen the pain after cupping so the Christian is tricked into believing that cupping healed them.
- The Christian might feel relief from the cupping procedure but does not put two-and-two together as to what spiritual "exchange" just took place.
- Now all of a sudden the Christian is dealing with a spirit of insomnia, fatigue, nightmares, or depression, etc. They had no idea these are spirits that entered in while seeking healing from the deities of Taoism and Chinese religion.
- Every time the Christian positions themselves under these practices, the door is opened for demons to enter in. They unknowingly gave the spirits legal right and they do not get to choose which spirits enter in at the time of what the Lord calls, "imitating their evil practices" (Exodus 23:24).
- Pay attention: Most of these practices mentioned above only provide you with temporary relief. The enemy will never truly heal you. Which means every time you have to go back for an adjustment, you are reopening the door to more spirits which is exactly what your enemy wants; a revolving open door.
- Over time after the first cupping session that original demon causing back pain will cause a phantom pain in that same area, keeping you bound to cupping and the foreign practices of other religions with no true permanent relief. You have been tricked!
- On this FAQ page, there is a section (below) called, "Common Practices That Seem Innocent." Please read that section which will inform you of common practices that are rooted in other religions and gods. Please be informed of the tricks of your enemy and stay away from imitating evil practices of foreign religions and deities.
- Demons can inflict unexplainable pain in a person's body that will cause you to seek medical help. When the doctor cannot diagnose the problem, most people turn to other remedies for relief like Yoga (Brahmanism, Hinduism), Reiki (Buddhism), energy healing (Taoism, New Age), chiropractors (Spiritist, Necromancy, witchcraft), cupping (Taoism), acupuncture (Taoism), etc. All of these specific practices are rooted in Eastern religions or witchcraft. If a practice is founded through a different religion and a Christian is using their remedies for healing (knowingly or unknowingly), it is an abomination to the Lord according to Exodus 23:24. Which says, "You must not worship the gods of other nations (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, New Age, etc.) or serve them in any way or imitate their evil practices. Instead, you must utterly destroy them and smash their sacred pillars. You must serve only the LORD your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness." Here is how the enemy tricks a Christian (or anyone for that matter) who partners with these religious practices:
- TESTIMONY #1: A Christian woman who came to this ministry to receive deliverance had acute back pain for nineteen years. She had doctors perform MRI's and to no avail could not find the problem. She tried chiropractors and acupuncture who only gave her temporary relief. During her deliverance, the team saw a demonic dagger in her back caused by sexual immorality. When we pointed out where the dagger was spiritually positioned, she said that was the exact place where the back pain resided. After she confessed the sexual immorality and repented, we cast the spirit out along with the dagger and the pain was permanently gone from that day moving forward. She was in absolute shock her back pain was spiritual.
- TESTIMONY #2: A Christian woman came to us who was demonized and after several sessions she was completely set free of witchcraft, addiction, depression, suicide, and fear. After several months of victory, she called the ministry for another session due to a few things popping up. Prior to this session the Prayer Team was discerning a heavy spirit of witchcraft had entered back in. Through a word of knowledge the team asked the woman if she had lower back pain. To which she replied, "Yes, I recently started going to a Christian Chiropractor every Friday to get some relief." Bingo! There is the open door to witchcraft. We explained to her the origin of Chiropractic which is necromancy, contacting the dead, witchcraft and she was shocked. It did not matter it was under the umbrella of a Christian office. She immediately renounced it, cancelled the rest of her appointments and we cast the spirit of witchcraft and Chiropractic out. To which she manifested, threw up, went into a dizzy spell, lost some consciousness and the demons left. She no longer had back pain and the issues she had leading up to the deliverance were immediately gone.
- TESTIMONY #3: A woman seeking deliverance came to the ministry. She had unexplainable lower back/hip pain, for the past six months, causing her to sit awkwardly in chairs. After breaking all legal rights, we specifically called up a spirit of pain to come out of her hip/back. The spirit manifested and came out. Her pain was gone and never returned.
Common Practices That Seem Innocent
- Isaiah 2:6- "For the Lord has rejected his people, because they have filled their land with PRACTICES FROM THE EAST (Eastern Religions) and with sorcerers (witchcraft), as the Philistines do. They have embraced pagan customs."
- 2 Corinthians 11:14 advises that "Satan masquerades as an angel of light." Your enemy does not show up with a pitchfork, instead he lurks behind things that seem innocent. When learning which doors open to the demonic and grants them legal-right into your soul, it is important to first research the origin of each and every practice you participate in. The origin is the root and if a root is established in other religions, it does not change its origin simply because of the way someone might repackage it.
- The Lord is clear in Exodus 23:24 when he passionately states, "You must not worship the gods of other nations (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, New Age, etc.) or serve them in any way or imitate their evil practices. Instead you must utterly destroy them and smash their sacred pillars. You must serve only the LORD your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness." This command applies specifically to the children of God. If you are not a Christian, you are not required to obey this warning. Although, be careful! These demonic doors apply to all people when opened.
- According to the Lord in Exodus 23:24,
- Christians must not worship the gods of other nations.
- Christians must not serve them in any way.
- Christians must not imitate their evil practices.
- Christians must utterly destroy it.
- Christians must smash their sacred pillars.
- As a Christian if you participate in the practices of other religions, you are imitating their evil practices and the Lord deems that as detestable in his sight. For example, many Christians attend the Eastern practice of Yoga or "Christian" Yoga. They believe that it's okay because they are not utilizing it for spiritual purposes or enlightenment, rather to simply enjoy the benefits of stretching. Sadly, it does not work that way. The moment you position your body into one single pose founded in Yoga, you are now imitating other religious practices and the Lord forbids it and the door has been opened.
- God did NOT say, "You must not worship the gods of other nations or serve them in any way, unless you want to imitate their evil practices under the guidelines that you promise you won't utilize it for spiritual purposes or enlightenment, rather to simply enjoy its benefits." Doesn't that sound funny if coming out of God's mouth? As Children of God, it should sound equally as ridiculous coming out of our own mouths.
- As a parent, if your child wants to eat a piece of cake that has mold in it but they scrape off some of the mold. Would you still let them partake, just to enjoy the benefit of the cake? People often report that it's the benefits of these religious practices, which keeps them coming back. Of course there are benefits, why else would people want to join. Yet, if you pay close attention they have to keep coming back in order to maintain their wellness, as we see in Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Cupping, or Yoga. One of the necessary steps in deliverance is to renounce the benefits received from any of the following religious practices.
- Below is a list with explanations to common practices that seem innocent but lead to open doors for the demonic by imitating other religious practices.
Practices |
Origin and Explanation |
Yoga/ Christian Yoga |
The word Yoga means to be "yoked with" or to be "united with." According to the Hindu scriptures, Yoga is a uniting or merging of your soul with the universal consciousness. To be more specific, you are yoking yourself with the god of Brahma (not the God of Abraham). Yoga was developed by a group of mystic seers, who were known as Brahmans. This group was considered an early form of Hinduism and they developed Yoga according to their religious beliefs and from their sacred texts, the Rig Veda. Yoga is amongst the six schools of philosophy in Hinduism and is also a major part of Buddhism and its meditation practices. The language of Yoga is Sanskrit, the root of many Indian languages. Namaste is a common word spoken in Yoga. It means, "I bow to the divinity in you." The mantras are typically chanted in Sanskrit. The techniques of breath exercises, meditations, visualizations, mudras, bandhas, kriyas, and mantras are focused on manipulating the flow of subtle energy through chakras. "Christian Yoga" or "Holy Yoga" is not an exception simply because worship music is played or a cross hangs on the wall. The moment you position your body into one single pose founded in Yoga, you are now imitating other religious practices and the Lord forbids it and the door has been opened. The Spirit of Kundalini often manifests in deliverance when a person has participated in any form of Yoga, not just Kundalini Yoga specifically. We highly recommend watching the below YouTube clip of the practice of Kundalini Yoga and you will witness the Kundalini spirit entering into the participant. Viewer discretion is advised. Kundalini Spirit enters the people practicing this type of Yoga: The origin of Yoga is Hinduism, Mystic Seers, Brahmanism. |
Chiropractic Work |
Daniel David Palmer was the founder of Chiropractic. He was a Spiritualist and contacted the dead in order to receive enlightenment. He claims to have contacted a dead physician by the name of Dr. James Atkinson, who in turn gave Palmer the principles of Chiropractic. Palmer said this himself, "The knowledge and philosophy given me by Dr. James Atkinson, an intelligent spiritual being, together with explanations of phenomena, principles resolved from causes, effects, powers, laws, and utility, appealed to my reason. The method by which I obtained an explanation of certain physical phenomena, from an intelligence in the spiritual world, is known in biblical language as inspiration. In a great measure The Chiropractors Adjuster was written under such spiritual promptings" (p.5). Here is what the Lord has to say about contacting the dead, "Let no one be found among you who is a Spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:10-13). When someone calls up a spirit from the dead. They are fooled to think it is a dead person they are communicating with. They have actually channelled a demon known as a "familiar spirit" pretending to be that person. When Daniel David Palmer channelled a spirit, he assumed was Dr. Atkinson. He actually was speaking to a demon (familiar spirit) disguised as a dead doctor. The information of Chiropractic relayed to Palmer in this exchange was what the bible calls, "doctrine of demons" (1 Timothy 4:1). The origin of Chiropractic is Spiritist, Necromancy, Contacting the Dead, Occult, Doctrine Of Demons. |
Martial Arts |
Kung fu was the original all-inclusive term describing martial arts. Later specific names were applied to its variations: karate, tai chi, judo, ju-jitsu, and aikido. The original religious philosophy of Kung Fu dates back as far as 2696 B.C., where it was rooted in the occult forms of divination known as the I-Ching and the "Book of Changes." Lao-Tse, the Chinese sage born in 604 B.C., added further embellishments. His teachings were set forth in a 5,280 word manuscript called, Tao Te Ching, often called, "the tao," or "the way" (Taoism). In sixth century A.D. an Indian monk named Bodhidharma wanted to help other monks improve their health and physical skills. He utilized the Eastern practice of meditation found in Buddhism. He meditated for nine years on how to help his fellow Buddhist clerics. He wrote two books after his meditation: "Yi Jin Jing" containing exercises for developing external strength. "Xi Sui Jing" offered keys on meditation and breathing. His third book entitled "Shi Bao Luo Han Shou" (The Eighteen Hands of Lohan), which was about his experiences as a member of the Kshatriya, and Indian caste of warriors and rulers. In this book, he included offensive and defensive combat moves that was given to him through enlightenment during his meditation. Hence, Martial Arts was born. Eventually two schools of martial arts evolved: Ch'uan Fe (kung fu) based on the school of Buddhism, and the other arts founded on the school of Taoism. The martial arts have evolved into six basic forms by which they are known in the Western world. Tai Chi- Founded by Chang San-feng who meditated on the occult I-Ching while watching a snake and crane fight. Like Lao-Tse, he was interested in the balance interplay of opposites known as yin and yang. These principles are supposed to reach a harmonious duality when mind, breath, and sexual energy comes together. In this state ki will produce quietness and cure depression. Karate- Gichin Funakoshi, who developed it as Shotokan Ryu, emphasized that the student must empty his mind of wickedness in order to react cognitively and from this philosophy we get the term karate, meaning "empty hand." In Okinawa, karate became imbedded with Zen philosophy. Since karate is a 'practice of the spirit,' its stated purpose is to unite mind, body, and spirit to achieve the unity envisioned by Zen. Aikido- This martial art is the most overtly religious. It means, "the road to a union with a universal spirit." It was founded by Morihei Uyeshiba, who became concerned that he couldn't control his strength without controlling his mind. After entering many temples, he arrived at "enlightenment" and viewed himself, in the Buddhist theological concept, as "one with the universe." All of the body movements of aikido are said to agree with the universal laws of nature and bring to the follower the power of ki, which is inhaled into the lower abdomen and exhaled through the hands. When the innate psychic powers of all me are united with the spirit and body, all aikidoists predict the world will be composed of one family. Judo and Jujitsu- A blending of kung fu and Japanese martial arts. Because of their roots in Taoism and Buddhism, they view the entire universe as an interplay of harmonizing opposites, yin and yang. These principles are expressed by the relax state of movement. Symbols in Martial Arts: The so-called "spiral configuration" from the I-Ching representing the belief in reincarnation and cyclical evolution; double fish shown as a curved line in the shape of an S bisecting a circle. One side of the S is dark and the other side is light. This represents the harmonizing opposites of yin and yang. Advanced practitioners of the martial arts credit "Ki" with enabling them to knock a man down by barely touching him. Ki is widely known in the occult arts as the "life-energy-creative force of the universe." When a crowd witnesses the astounding ability of a man using his hand to chop six one-inch pine boards in half, disbelief fills the room. Few, if any, realize that what they just witnessed is an ancient spiritual discipline designed to harmonize the body with the energy forces of the universe in order to achieve religious enlightenment. The origin of Martial Arts is Buddhism, Taoism and the practice of meditation. The origin of Kung Fu is the occult form of divination, I-Ching, Taoism. The origin of Tai Chi is the occult form of divination, I-Ching, Buddhism. The origin of Karate is Zen Buddhism. The origin of Aikido, is Buddhism. The origin of Judo and Jujitsu is Buddhism and Taoism. |
Essential Oils |
Essential Oils, or aromatic oils as they were once called, have been used by many cultures around the world for centuries. It was used for religious purposes to heal the sick. Evidence showed that Egyptian priests were the only authorities allowed to use the oils, as they were regarded to be one with the gods. Pharaohs had their own special blend for meditation, love, war, etc. Fragrances were dedicated to each deity and their statues were anointed with these oils. Essential Oils originated as Eastern Medicine through Eastern Religion and is connected with healing and New Age spiritual aspects. Modern cultist use Essential Oils because of the "spiritual properties" they are believed to contain. Some modern Wiccans, for instance, speak of certain Essential Oils as having "sacred energies" or magical properties. Some use Essential Oils in spell crafting, the invocations of spirits, anointed sacred objects, or the practice of prophecy. Others link specific oils to certain astrological signs. Essential Oils are closely aligned with witchcraft. There can be confusion if a biblical fragrance is sold through Essential Oils, like Frankincense. Unfortunately, it does not matter. If a pig puts on lipstick, it's still a pig. Any oil purchased under the guise of Essential Oil is dangerous territory. It is not the oil that makes it dangerous, it's simply because it is under the umbrella of Essential Oils. For those who love oils, a safe place to order oils found in the bible and anointed by Messianic Jews in Israel is at Abba Oils in Houston, Texas. These are the oils we use in all of our face-to-face deliverances and/or prayers for healing. Here is the link to their website: The origin of Essential Oils is Eastern Medicine/Practice (Egyptian, Chinese, Indian) , New Age, Occult. |
Pokemon |
If you search on the internet for "Demonic Pokemon Cards," you will be shocked to find hundreds of Pokemon cards and satanic images that come up. They are endless. Pokemon blatantly taps into the demonic world and unapologetically infiltrates its followers with witchcraft. You will often find the satanic star called, "Sigil of Baphoment" outwardly displayed on a Pokemon card. Some cards appear innocent and kid friendly, but it all eventually points to energy, spirits, witchcraft, demons, etc. Pokemon's root is established in Japanese Anime. Please scroll down and read about the origin of Anime. The origin of Pokemon is Witchcraft, Occult. The Origin of Japanese Anime is Shinto Religion, Shamanic practices, and Satanism. |
Enneagram |
The Enneagram is principally derived from the teachings of the Bolivian psycho-spiritual teacher, Oscar Ichazo and the Chilean psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo, who was an occultist. Ichazo claimed to have discovered the personality type meaning of the Enneagram when it was taught to him by the Archangel Metraton while he was high on mescaline. Which ultimately means the personality types of the Ennegram were discovered while channeling spirits. The Enneagram is commonly presented as a path to higher states of being, essence, and enlightenment. The philosophy behind the Enneagram contains components from mystical Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and ancient Greek philosophy (Socrates, Plato, and the Neo- Platonists). The Enneagram logo has often been reported as looking eerily similar to the Satanic star. The origin of Enneagram is Occult, Mysticism, Spirituality, and philosophies of other religions. |
Himalayan Salt Lamps |
Himalayan Salt Lamps are often used to attract spirits and they are found in places where New Age is practiced and the Occult. New-Age is a system of beliefs that is largely based on superstition and the use of crystals or rocks as healing tools. The Himalayan salt lamps are approached in the same way. They are said to generate positive energy, make you feel more relaxed, happy, as well as raise your “energetic vibration”. Himalayan salt lamps are also commonly used by Feng Shui practitioners. They claim that salt lamps soak up positive energy, which explains why people feel “tired” after staying in a room with a salt lamp turned on. There are countless stories on the internet about Christians whom have received these kinds of lamps as a gift and began to experience spiritual battles in their home shortly after. These salt lamps truly come with a spirit attached to them which should never be welcome into the home of Christians. The origin of the Himalayan Salt Lamp is Occult, New Age. |
Dreamcatcher |
Dreamcatchers are associated with Native American culture and religion. They were originated from the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe and passed down through intermarriage and trade. The Ojibwe word for dreamcatcher actually means "spider," referring to the woven web loosely covering the hoop. According to the legend, a mystical and maternal "Spider Woman" once served as the spiritual protector of the tribe. The dreamcatcher was created to ritualistically recreate a spiritual protector as a means of mystically protecting children and families in the tribe. The origin of the Dreamcatcher is Native American religion, Mysticism, Spirituality. |
Acupuncture |
Acupuncture is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and ancient Taoist philosophy which views a person as an energy system in which body and mind are unified, each influencing and balancing the other. Acupuncture first spread to Korea in the 6th century AD, then to Japan through "medical missionaries." The ancient Chinese believe that there is a universal life energy called qi (pronounced "chee") in all living creatures. The tradition of acupuncture theory believes that energy flows within the human body and this energy can be channelized to create balance and health. The origin of Acupuncture is Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoism. |
Cupping |
Cupping is similar to Acupuncture in that it was originated in Traditional Chinese Medicine and ancient Taoist philosophy. A famous Taoist alchemist and herbalist, Ge Hong, reportedly first practiced cupping. Proponents also claims the suction helps facilitate the flow of "qi" in the body. Many Taoist believe that cupping helps balance yin and yang within the body. The origin of Cupping is Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoism. |
Horoscopes/ Astrology |
A horoscope is an astrological chart representing the sun, moon, planets, astrological aspects and specific angles at the time of an event, such as a person's birth. It is rooted in divination and designed to predict the future depending on certain signs and omens. An omen is an occurrence, seen as a sign, believed to predict the future. In Deuteronomy 18, the Lord is clear when he says, "Let no one be found among you who practices divination or interprets omens. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:10-13). The Lord says in Isaiah 47:13-14, "Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators (fortelling the future), stand up and save themselves from these things that shall come upon them. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame." The origin of Horoscopes and Astrology is Occult, Divination, Interpreting Omens. |
Burning Sage |
Sage burning, or ‘smudging,’ is a form of sorcery or witchcraft, and throughout the Bible God specifically commands his people not to practice any form of sorcery, witchcraft, divination, spell conjuring, or anything of the like. Sorcery is an abomination in God’s sight, therefore, Christians should always steer clear of smudging. The beginnings of smudging are found in Native American tribes, dating back to ancient times. Though smudging is linked to and common in many cultures throughout the world, the burning of sage is credited to the Native American Indians for its origins. The idea is that certain herbs carry spirits in them, and when they are burned it is the act of calling on those spirits to dispel evil or vexing spirits or energies from a space, object, or person’s body. Witches heavily rely on burning sage to call on a spirit to wrestle with the energy that is in the room. The origin of Burning Sage is Native American religion, Sorcery, Occult, Witchcraft. |
Halloween |
Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan who authored the Satanic Bible stated in an interview, "I want to thank every Christian parent for allowing their children to worship the devil one time a year." LaVey declared that by dressing up, either by wearing a costume or by coloring oneself in celebration of Halloween, signifies that you allow Satan to own you. He further said that when you adopt the pagan practices, you subconsciously dedicate yourself to the devil. John Ramirez, a former High-Priest Satanist, said when you dress up even as an angel, a mermaid, or whatever for Halloween, “you give the devil the legal rights to change your identity.” Ramirez further warned that there is a much darker reality in Halloween beyond costumes and candy. The former Satanist turned Christian pastor said in an interview on CBS News (October 20, 2018): "I was a general to the kingdom of darkness in witchcraft. I would sit with the devil and talk to him like I’m talking to you today. It was that kind of communication. It was that kind of relationship." If anyone can speak on the hidden operation of witchcraft and the Satanic, it would be Mr. Ramirez who was once married on Halloween in a demonic ceremony. Historians have linked Halloween to Samhain, the Celtic festival of the summer's end celebrated in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. According to Celtic mythology, the veil between the other world and our world thins during Samhain, making it easier for spirits and the souls of the dead to return. The night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. The people of the town would dress up in costumes to look like ghosts and spirits, with the belief that the real spirits would not recognize they were human and choose to haunt them. They would leave out fruits and treats as a peace offering to the dead in hopes they would pass their house. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the other worldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. The origin of Halloween is Samhain, Celtic Mythology, the Occult, Necromancy, Divination, Interpreting Omens. |
Practices |
Origin or Explanation |
Reiki |
Reiki is an ancient therapy that has been dusted off and spruced up for a new generation of hurting and spiritually hungry seekers. Advocates say Reiki is an ancient Eastern system of healing. It’s history goes back to the 19th century, when a mysterious man named Milano Usui began promoting its principles. Usui said he was a Christian teacher (others called him a monk), but his ideas about spiritual energy owe more to Eastern sources, especially the Buddhism he studied. He returned to his native Japan to study the Chinese and Sanskrit languages, enabling him to study traditional Buddhist documents. After a celebrated, 21 day fast, he emerged with the principles and practices that define Reiki today. According to the New Age Almanac, Reiki healer‘s are taught three levels of knowledge: The first degree, the student is taught the basic format of Reiki laying-on-of-hands treatment. The second degree, includes further energy activations and special techniques for use with deep seeded emotional and mental conditions. The third degree, is designed for the person who wants to become a Master. It includes all the advanced techniques. Those who are best at Reiki, don’t need to actually touch the client. They only pass their hands over the body to redistribute the energies. When doing so, they often enter into light or deep trance states and becomes spirit mediums. The origin of Reiki is Buddhism, Eastern Religion, and the Occult or New Age. |
The Landmark Forum |
The Landmark Forum is an exhausting series of back-to-back seminars taken over a period of days, to which some people have classified as “brainwashing.” The Forum materials are basically reworked Zen Buddhist concepts and the Philosophy links strongly with Eastern mysticism. Werner Erhard, a known practitioner of New Age, developed The Landmark Forum. He studied Zen Buddhism and Hypnosis and took courses from Scientology in California’s Esalen Institute. Erhard designed Landmark in 1985 to increase people’s awareness of their inner selves and personal omnipotence. The Forum encourages laying aside all conventional religions and social ideas about achieving success. The Forum is an apologetic for Eastern mysticism, this seminar claims there are no rules or regulations. Christians should be wary of self-motivation training like the Forum, a modern masquerade of Eastern thought. Today, it is common for companies to require their employees to attend this seminar. The origin of The Landmark Forum is Zen Buddhism, Eastern Mysticism, and New Age. |
Japanese Anime |
Japanese anime (pronounced “ani-may”) is often seen as cool cartoon characters in comics, books, video games, and movies. It has even evolved into animated pornography. Americans recognize anime through characters such as Astro Boy, Dragonball, Pokemon, Gundam, and many others. Their characters are often identified by their large eyes, exaggerated body parts, and various non-human powers. Anime came to life as a form of manga (Japanese comics) in the early 1900’s, but its history goes far beyond that. Manga developed over hundreds of years ago, starting as pictures drawn on Shinto temple walls, then on wooden blocks, and finally as woodblock prints with captions collected in books. The Shinto religion includes worshipping the spirits of ancestors and nature (idol worship). It also includes shamanic practices—going into a trance and using spirits to cause things to happen—and spirit possession where spirits enter people or objects giving them certain powers or abilities. Here are some examples of the names and blasphemous ideas found with the characters: *Dragonball, Mr.Satan, Videl (devil). *There is a tree with forbidden fruits and Goku is not allowed to eat from this tree (parallel to the Tree of Knowledge in the Bible). *Several demon kings; Goku’s father-in-law, Picollo is a demon king, King Yemna who is the Judge in Heaven is also a demon king. *The daughter of Gohan and Videl is Pan, which is a greek entity that is portrayed modernly like Baphometh. *Look up the name Son Goku, and its origin. You'll find references to the monkey king (which is a demon). *Yugioh is blatantly in the open with witchcraft, sacrificing demons in order to summon other demons. *Heroes are 7 sins, and their enemies are called the 10 Commandments. *Japanese Anime is filled with specific anti-Christian imagery and blasphemous ideas. It celebrates demons. The Origin of Japanese Anime is Shinto Religion, Shamanic practices, and Satanism. |
Tattoos |
In Leviticus 19:28 the Lord said, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I AM the Lord!" Some people will argue that does not apply under the new covenant. While others claim that according to Revelation 19:16, Jesus had his own "tattoo" thus giving them permission to mark their own bodies. Anytime the Lord finishes a command with, "I AM the Lord." It is safe to say that his children should consider what he is stating without a rebuttal. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, "Don't you (Christians) realize that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." When you become a Christian, your body immediately becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit and is no longer yours. Tattooing your body is like spray painting graffiti on God's sacred tabernacle and then denying it is vandalism. We are including tattoos on the list based on the evidence of this scripture coupled with our extensive experience in the deliverance room. We understand that many people will not be satisfied with an answer based off experience, rather they insist on biblical exegesis. We understand and we do not judge you. But for those who are convicted regarding their tattoo, we want to help you. It wasn't until we began to confront demons that we realized tattoos were a legal right and an open portal into the soul realm which grants them access. We came to learn about this legal right when the unclean spirits would manifest during deliverance; they would not come out UNTIL we anointed the tattoo and the person renounced it. This occurred many times, including in my own personal deliverance. If you have a tattoo (or several), do not fret. Repent and anoint your tattoo with anointing oil, as an act of faith, dedicating that part of your body back to the Lord and close off any open doors. Do not tattoo yourself moving forward. Do not cover up old tattoos with new ones and biblical tattoos do not justify that the mark is okay. Some have felt convicted to have the tattoo removed, but it is not necessary unless the Lord specifically tells you to. We have also learned through experience that the blood drawn while receiving the tattoo signifies a "blood covenant" with the spirit realm. This must be renounced through prayer. The origin of tattooing is unknown because of how far back it dates. Ötzi also called The Iceman, is the natural mummy of a man who lived some time between 3350 and 3105 BC. He was discovered in September 1991 in the Otztal Alps by two German tourists. He had sixty-one tattoos on his body and as of today he holds the oldest record of tattooing on a human body thanks to carbon dating. We obviously know that people were marking themselves as far back as the book of Leviticus, hence the reason for God's command. Historians believe that Ötzi tattooed his body possibly for early acupuncture, ceremonial healing rituals, or religious beliefs. The mummified remains of women in Egypt show tattoos dating back to 2000 BC. The tattoos were a series of dots, representing a protective net across a woman's abdomen. Coupled with the Egyptian goddess Bes, who is known as the protector of women in labor. This tattoo was commonly found on the upper thigh, as a talisman of protection for women who were about to give birth. A "talisman" is well known in the Occult as an object, stone or symbol that is thought to have magic powers, protection or good luck. The origin of tattooing is unknown and dates back to 3350 BC or earlier. |
Freemasonry |
According to Mason's, their history can be traced to Old Testament stonemasons who they believe was responsible for building King Solomon's temple. Freemasonry is dated back hundreds of years to when stonemasons and other craftsmen gathered together after work, in different lodges. Hiram Abiff, believed by Mason's to have built Solomon's temple, is considered a hero and celebrated because of his undying devotion to keep secrets of his trade from intruders. The ability to keep a secret is at the foundation of what defines a Mason. Their hidden vows, initiation pledges and oaths link them to ancient, evil rituals. Luke 8:17 says, "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." The first red flag should be thrown at the extreme measures this organization takes in order for its members to conceal all things. Anything done is secret (kept in the dark) should first raise your suspicion. Don't be fooled by their philanthropy and the contributions to various charities. 2 Corinthians 11:14 reminds us that Satan comes as an angel of light and to not be fooled by him. Most men join Freemasonry to be apart of what they view as a prestigious, socially influential organization and brotherhood. But unbeknownst to them, their society is based on misrepresentations and false explanations. One of the many initiation pledges all member's must pledge is that their family, for generations to come, must serve the Lodge or disease and calamity will fall upon their disobedient family member(s). They also vow to never share the secrets of Freemasonry or they declare death and sickness will fall upon themselves. By placing death curses on themselves and others, they violate the laws of Christianity. In Matthew chapter five, Jesus clearly forbids the uttering of presumptive oaths that one does not have the power to perform. Mason's also believe that Jesus was nothing more than a man and a teacher. Lodge's in the South tend to be more Christianized but welcome all religions and considers the Bible to be one of many religious resources. There are many affiliations, names and groups associated with Freemason that all Christians should renounce:
This list only names a few. We encourage you to do your own research on this endless secret society. An excellent place to start is with the below YouTube link. Paul Knight who climbed the ladder to Master Mason, courageously denounced Freemasonry as a "satanic and demonic society" after he encountered the Lord. He is now the Pastor of Mount Olive Church. His testimony will convince you of the truths of Freemasonry and how the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob feels about this "brotherhood." Paul Knight's Testimony: |
What Is The Unforgivable Sin
- Blasphemy is the unforgivable sin according to Jesus in the book of Matthew.
- In order to understand blasphemy, we must first read the scripture in context as Jesus explains it.
- Matthew 12:22-32- "Then they brought Jesus a demonized man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?” But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."
- Here is a recap of the scripture you just read:
- Jesus cast out a blind and mute spirit from a man by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The religious Pharisees, who are extremely legalistic, immediately dismissed the work of the Holy Spirit by claiming it was the power of demons that he was delivered.
- Jesus quickly corrects their foolish talk by stating, "If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself and his kingdom can no longer stand" (vs.26).
- Jesus clearly states in verse 28, "It's by the Spirit of God, I drive out demons." It is not by the power of the devil.
- These religious Pharisees foolishly SPOKE AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT by claiming that the work of the Holy Spirit in casting out demons from this man was really the work of Satan.
- Jesus said to these Pharisees, "Whoever is not with me (and the Holy Spirit), is against me" (vs.30).
- Jesus continued by saying, "I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven...anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come" (vs.31, 32).
- Another words, by claiming that the work of the Holy Spirit is the work of the devil. You are actually "speaking against the Holy Spirit" and that is considered blasphemy according to Jesus. Especially in the realm of deliverance, simply because the context in which Jesus spoke about blasphemy was regarding casting out demons.
- I would be very careful speaking against deliverance and thinking the power comes from the demonic. When you do, you are speaking against the Holy Spirit just like these Pharisees. This is extremely important to Jesus, who says you will not be forgiven if you do it. Think (and pray) before you speak, Church, least you be bound to your word.
Warnings About The Occult
- The spirit of witchcraft is one of the most common spirits to be driven out in deliverance. Four out of five deliverances will have a spirit of witchcraft manifest. What people do not understand is witchcraft only needs one open door to gain access. As innocent as it seems, playing with the Ouija Board, even as few as one time, can give witchcraft permission to enter into the soul. Most people in their teen years have run across this "game" and their curiosity opens the door. While Ouija Board is often the beginning for most kids, there are many other doors that open up to a spirit of witchcraft. By opening one of these doors, it always leads to another door and so forth. Before you know it, you are engulfed in darkness and evil with the misconception that what you are doing is good, even though the results are internal torment.
- Here is a list of common doors that grants witchcraft permission to enter through participation:
Open Doors To Witchcraft |
Open Doors To Witchcraft |
Ouija Board |
Rituals |
Dungeon And Dragons (game) |
Himalayan Salt Lamps |
Choking Game |
Fortune Telling |
Bloody Mary |
Palm Reading |
Magic 8 Ball |
Energy Healing/Reiki/Pendulums |
Games That Predict Future |
Aura Reading |
Crystal Balls |
Witchdoctors |
Crystals (occult, healing, New Age) |
Tarot Cards/Angel Cards |
Charms |
Voodoo |
Incantations |
Contacting The Dead |
Spell Books |
Interpreting Omens |
Burning Sage |
Casting Spells |
Levitation |
Mediums |
Seances |
Astral Projecting |
Satanism/ Blood Sacrafices |
Spiritist |
Tea Leaves |
Astrology/Zodiac |
Automatic Writing |
Horoscopes |
Handwriting Analysis |
Psychics |
Sorcery/Black and White Magic |
Divination |
New Age/Yoga |
Harry Potter |
Wicca |
Halloween |
- The Lord makes it very clear to his children about practicing these demonic, occult activities. Not only is it "detestable" to him but the warning is to stay far away from it! In Deuteronomy 18:10-13, the Lord says, "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire (human sacrafices- common in satanic rituals), who practices divination (fortune telling), sorcery (black magic), interprets omens (superstitions), engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or who is a medium, spiritist or who consults the dead (necromancy). Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you."
- Did you notice in Deuteronomy 18, the Lord specifically forbid his children to "contact the dead?" There is a reason for this strong warning. The actual term for this practice is called, Necromancy. It might seem innocent if you think you are just connecting with sweet Grandma because the Medium was able to recall her favorite apple pie recipe. The truth is, you are communicating with a familiar spirit in the demonic realm that is familiar with you and your ancestory. This spirit knows personal things about your family and tells the Medium (who has contracts with the demons) and can hear in the spirit realm causing you to think she is speaking to your Grandma. It's a trick that pulls on the heart strings of the one caught in grief. If the familiar spirit can pull you in by simply communicating to what appears to be your dead loved one, a door has been opened and permission is granted to that spirit. Speaking to the dead without the help of a Medium is also forbidden. If your loved one is dead and appears to be communicating with you, be careful, it's a trap.
- A common manifestation of witchcraft would result in a person complaining of some sort of hinderance blocking them from their connection to God. No matter how much they desire to connect with God, they simply cannot. They report that it literally feels like a block of some sort. A few other common symptoms would be, confusion, headaches, a desire to control and manipulate, domination, occult fascination and supernatural abilities.
Should I Cleanse My House
- Let us allow the Lord, Himself, to answer this question...
- Deuteronomy 7:25-26 The Lord says, "You must burn up the images of other false gods or religions; do not covet the silver and gold that is on them or take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it; for it is detestable to the LORD your God. And you must not bring any detestable thing into your house, or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. You are to utterly detest and abhor it because it is set apart for destruction."
- Before you read any further, please make sure to read the question above entitled, "Common Practices That Seem Innocent." It will help to explain why some of these practices are forbidden by the Lord.
- Cleanse your house: Most Christians have accursed items in their home. Often times the owner is unaware that the item is detestable to the Lord and should not be in our possession. Accursed items are open doors to the demonic. Sometimes a certain item can be a portal for the paranormal activity that is harassing you in your house or dwelling. First and foremost, get rid of it and destroy it. Do not sell it to someone else.
- Acts 19:19- "Many of those who had practiced magic and witchcraft brought their books (and occult items) together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty-thousand pieces of silver." Today, that would equate to millions of dollars. Below are some examples of items that Christians should not have in their home.
- New Age Books
- The Power of Positive Thinking
- New Age items
- Vision/Dream boards
- New Age Affirmations (positive thinking, self empowerment)
- Occult books
- Satanic bible
- The Koran
- Books about Eastern deities
- Buddha statues or images
- Idols
- Jade
- Dreamcatchers
- Essential Oils
- Eastern Medicines
- Eastern Practices
- Chiropractic Items
- Yoga Items
- Martial Art Items
- Native American Artifacts (some)
- Native American Arrowheads
- African Artifacts (some)
- Tribal Artifacts (some)
- Questionable souvenirs and jewelry from other countries
- Items connected to other religions or rituals
- Renaissance Festival Items
- Mardi Gras Items
- Wiccan Items
- Kabbalah Items
- Kabbalah Bracelet
- The Evil Eye Bracelet
- Freemasonry Items
- Eastern Star Items
- Illuminati Items
- Rainbow Girl Items
- KKK Items
- Nazi Items
- Catholic Saint Statues
- Catholic Alters
- Alters (other religions)
- Drugs
- Drug Paraphernalia
- Bongs
- Pipes
- Vape
- Electronic Cigarettes
- Cigars
- Hookah
- Nicotine
- Chewing tobacco
- Marijuana
- Pornography
- Stolen Items
- Vulgar Items
- Horror Movies
- Heavy Metal Music
- Skulls/death
- Halloween Items
- Pokemon Cards
- Pokemon Games
- Satanic Items
- Witchcraft Items
- Hagstones
- Talismans
- Fetishes
- Amulets
- Marks
- Ouija Board
- Tarot Cards
- Angel Cards
- Tea Leaves
- Burning Sage
- Incense
- Horoscopes
- Astrology
- Zodiac
- Enneagram Book
- Crystal Balls
- Crystals (Occult, healing, energy, New Age)
- Charms
- Good Luck Charms
- Omens
- Superstitious Items
- Fairies
- Trolls
- Gnomes
- White magic
- Black magic
- Magic
- Magic 8 Ball
- Potions
- Spell Books
- Incantations
- Voodoo Dolls
- Games that predict future
- Pendulums
- Himalayan Salt Lamps
- Fifty Shades of Gray
- Twilight Series
- True Blood
- Harry Potter Books
- Harry Potter Movies
- The Secret (book or movie)
- Items in your house that seem wrong or you feel you should not have them
- Items/gifts from unhealthy relationships/soul ties
- Questionable pictures/Apps/music/pornography/texts/contacts and unhealthy relationships in your phone
- Anoint your house: Exodus 40:9-"Take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it; consecrate it and all its furnishings, and it will be holy."
- Walk through your home and anoint it with oil. If you do not have anointing oil, bless and pray over olive oil to use. Begin with your front door, anoint the doorposts and the entryway. I personally saturate my fingers with oil and then wipe it across the entryway of the door while speaking scripture. Like for example I will say out loud, "My house will be a house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah 56:7). On the windows and door frames throughout the house, I will mark the shape of the cross with the oil while saying, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Bless the beds and bedrooms while speaking scripture like Psalm 127:2, "For he gives sleep to his beloved." Take authority over all of your property and commit it to the Lord.
- Play worship music throughout your home. Psalm 22:3 says, "The Lord inhabits the praises of his people." In my home, we softly play worship music 24 hours, 7 days a week. It never turns off whether we are home, sleeping, or on vacation.
- You can buy anointing oil at Abba Oil. Their website is:
Common Names Of Demons
- The names of demons often correlate with their function. Lets take for example the spirit of fear as mentioned by name in 1 Timothy 1:7. "The Lord has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound-mind." Notice the bible calls fear a spirit. Have you ever noticed that? A "spirit of fear" has one assignment and that is to create fear. Lets look at another example. Isaiah 61:3 calls depression (or despair) a spirit. It says, "You will receive a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." Once again, despair is called a spirit and its only assignment is to manifest depression in your life. It's one thing to experience sad emotions, it is something completely different when a person is tormented by a spirit of depression or despair. People have explained that it feels like a dark cloud following them wherever they go. It is so strong and thick to which they cannot escape, until it is cast out. One woman said she could literally feel heaviness draped over her like a cloak which caused her to slouch. Which spirit do you think depression partners with? You guessed it, a spirit of suicide. They work hand-in-hand. The good news is we have driven these spirits out and the tormented person experiences immediate resolve.
- Lets look at some more examples in the bible where demons are named.
Names Of Demonic Spirits |
Scripture References |
Spirit of Jealousy |
Numbers 5:14, Numbers 5:30 |
Evil Spirit |
Judges 9:23 |
Distressing Spirit |
1 Samual 16:14-23 |
Lying Spirit |
1 Kings 22:22, 2 Chronicles 18:20-22 |
Spirit of Distortion/Dizziness |
Isaiah 19:14 |
Spirit of Deep Sleep |
Isaiah 29:10 |
Spirit of Heaviness/Depression/Despair |
Isaiah 61:3 |
Spirit of Prostitution |
Hosea 4:12, Hosea 5:4 |
Unclean/Impure Spirit |
Zachariah 13:2 |
Mute/Robbed of Speech Spirit |
Mark 19:7 |
Deaf/Dumb Spirit |
Mark 9:25 |
Spirit of Infirmity |
Luke 13:11 |
Spirit of Divination |
Acts 16:16 |
Deceiving Spirit |
1 Timothy 4:1 |
Spirit of Fear |
2 Timothy 1:7 |
Spirit of Error |
1 John 4:6 |
- Are you beginning to see the bigger picture? For the most part, the demon's name is its function and the form of torment you will experience if you are subject to their demonic influence. Once you confront them, break their legal right, the demon will leave and you will no longer experience that intense, overwhelming emotion or sickness.
- It is important to know the name of the spirits harassing you, specifically so you can renounce it. In deliverance when you call the spirit by name, it tends to be easier to get them out. Take for example your neighbor's dog. If he happened to be loose and you saw him running the streets, you would have greater success by calling his name. Knowing his name gives you greater authority over him. The same concept applies in deliverance. In Mark 5:1-20, Jesus demonstrates the importance of knowing the name of the demon(s). He commanded the spirit to speak by asking, "What is your name?" The chief demon replies, "Legion, for we are many." Interestingly, a legion is a unit of 3,000-6,000 men in ancient Roman armies. We learn in the story this man is undoubtedly possessed and had upwards of 3,000-6,000 demons. The bible says in verses 1-5 that the Gadarene man had manifestations resulting in hysteria, supernatural strength, screaming, growling, crying and self-harm by cutting himself. People who cut themselves today by way of self-harm, can very easily be the result of a demonic manifestation.
- It is important to note, not all names of evil spirits are their function. A few examples would be; Jezebel, Leviathan, Legion, Mammon, Belial, Beelzebub, Ashra, Molech, Incubus, Succubus, Kundalini, etc.
- Below is a list of some common spirits that we have driven out. Often times when they come out of a person they will speak their name, which only gives us conformation as to who they are.
Common Names of Demons |
Common Names of Demons |
Doubt/Unbelief |
Depression |
Confusion |
Suicide |
Rejection |
Death |
Fear |
Divination |
Anxiety |
Witchcraft |
Fatigue |
Yoga/Kundalini |
Pride |
Jezebel |
Addiction (tabacco, weed, alcohol, etc) |
Control/Manipulation |
Gluttony |
Infirmity (sickness) |
Deception/Lying |
Incest |
Loneliness |
Masturbation |
Insecurity |
Pornography (acts as a portal) |
Anger/Rage/Lash |
Perversion |
Shame/Guilt |
Lust |
Indecision |
Incubus/Succubus |
Night Terror/Sleep Paralysis/Insomnia |
Homosexuality/Lesbianism |
Common Groups Of Demons
- Matthew 12:45 says, "An evil spirit takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they enter into the person and live there." Demons travel in gangs, they do not work alone. They often operate with other spirits that strengthen their assignment or function. For example, a spirit of depression works closely with a spirit of death and a spirit of suicide. Do you see the correlation?
- Something else we can take away from Matthew 12:45, did you notice that the scripture says it takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself? This is where we learn that demons have rank. Some are more powerful than others. In Luke 8:26-39 when Jesus asks the demon what is its name, the chief demon in charge replies, "Legion, for we are many." Here is a perfect example of a large gang of demons in one person and the chief demon in rank is named Legion.
- Below is a chart with common chief demons and the gang they typically run with. This list was created from experience in deliverance; Demons will often reveal themselves by name as they come out. A person can host more than one chief demon and its gang. Each gang is like a fortified city and representing a part of the demonic kingdom that has been set up, which must be torn down.
- Below each tab represents a chief demon. When you click on the tab, the dropdown will reveal the gang it typically runs with.
- Suicide
- Death
- Hopelessness
- Sadness
- Loneliness
- Despair
PRIDE: (Chief)
- Ego
- Vanity
- Hautiness
- Arrogance
- Confusion
- Forgetfulness
- Procrastination
- Compromise
- Indifference
WORRY: (Chief)
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Panic Attack
- Dread
- Apprehension
- Hysteria
- Paranoia
- Vexing (torment)
Fatigue: (Chief)
- Sleepiness
- Tiredness
- Laziness
- Lethargy
- Sloth
- Slumber
- Jezebel (also a chief demon in this catagory)
- Self-will
- Stubborness
- Disobedience
- Anti-Submissive
Sexual Impurity
DOUBT: (Chief)
- Unbelief
- Skepticism
- Indecision
- Confusion
ANGER: (Chief)
- Rage
- Irritation
- Impatiance
- Violence
- Murder
- Lash
- Hate
LYING: (Chief)
- Blasphemy
- Unclean Talk
- Deception
- Gossip
- Arguing
- Masturbation
- Lust
- Pornography
- Perversion
- Homosexuality
- Rape
- Adultery
- Incest
- Frigidity
CONTROL: (Chief)
- Witchcraft
- Manipulation
- Dominance
- Possessiveness
- Jezebel
- Hatred
- Unforgiveness
- Violence
- Retaliation
- Anger
- Resentment
- Revenge
Common Doors Demons Enter
- Psalm 58:3- "Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward." The demonic can enter a baby from the womb through generational curses, trauma, rejection, word curses spoken over the fetus, etc.
- Any act of sin can be an open door for a demon to come in. Evil spirits cannot enter in by force, there must be a legal right which grants them permission. Below are some common doors that demons use to enter in. Keep in mind, the enemy does not play fair.
- Demons don't just come in by what you do, but what's been done to you (especially in childhood).
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Mental Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Rejection from the womb
- Speaking curses over the womb ("I don't want this baby," "I want to kill this baby")
- Trauma during pregnancy
- Confusion due to divorce
- Word curses spoken by parents
- Generational Curses
- Soul Ties
- Unforgiveness
- Sinful Acts
- Drugs
- Sexual Immorality
- Accursed Items
- Idol Worship
- Rebellion against God
- Practicing or imitating other religions
- Entertainment (Horror movies, music, video games)
- Trauma (car accidents, burglaries, sexual trauma like rape, etc.)
- All Occult Practices (witchcraft, mediums, tarot cards, fortune telling, horoscopes, astrology, casting spells, contacting the dead, Ouija board, voodoo, incantations, blood covenants, rituals, etc.)
Common Types of Manifestations During Deliverance
- The deliverance team relies on the person communicating what they are experiencing in their body and their thoughts during deliverance. If you feel a cramp in your back muscles while we pray, or you hear "thoughts" that are speaking, it is important to share with the team.
- You might hear thoughts like, "I have a legal right" or "I don't have to leave, this is my home."
- If you feel odd sensations in your body, that is a common manifestation of where the spirit is located. It will be a good starting place and point of contact for the team.
Manifestations During Deliverance |
Manifestations During Deliverance |
Coughing |
Uncontrollable Body Movements |
Yawning |
Uncontrollable Yelling |
Burping |
Uncontrollable Laughter |
Headaches |
Uncontrollable Crying |
Twitching |
Uncontrollable Speech |
Ear Popping |
Unable To Speak |
Throw Up |
Tingling Sensation |
Body Cramps |
Heat Sensation |
Tightening of Muscles |
Hearing Voices |
Body Contortions |
Thoughts that mock, bargain and lie. Speaks in 3rd person. |
What Is A Soul Tie
- A soul tie is when two people's souls are spiritually "knit" together. While there are good soul ties, there are also bad ones too. An evil spirit can attach themself to an unhealthy soul tie which must be broken. If you are wondering where to find this in scripture, below is an example of both healthy and unhealthy soul ties.
- Healthy- 1 Samuel 18:1- "The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul." Mark 10:7-8- "A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. They are no longer two, but one."
- Unhealthy- 1 Corinthians 6:16- "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh.'" Genesis 44:30-31- "If the boy (Benjamin) is not with us (Jacob's son's) when I go back to my father (Jacob) and if my father, whose life is closely bound up with the boy's life, and sees the boy is not with me, he will die."
- Unhealthy soul ties are spiritually knit together through sexually immoral relationships, or a toxic relationship that is codependent, controlling, manipulative, abusive, etc. As we see with Jacob and his son Benjamin in Genesis 44, there is an unhealthy soul tie between father and son that results in co-dependancy and idolatry.
- During deliverance the person is led through prayers of breaking unhealthy soul ties. Through our experience in deliverance, we have learned that not breaking the unhealthy soul tie through prayer will hinder the evil spirit(s) from leaving.
Common Indicators Of A Soul Tie
If you check as few as ONE of the below, you could have a soul-tie.
- This person abuses you but you do not want to leave them.
- You defend them when family/friends points out the relationship is unhealthy.
- You feel like you can't move on in life without that person.
- You take on traits of this person.
- You are no longer in relationship with this person but you still constantly think or obsess over them.
- You have reoccurring dreams of this person even after they have been out of your life for a long time.
- You visualize this person while you are intimate with your spouse (even when you do not want to).
- You still think about this person after the relationship has been ended for many years.
- There is a sense of an unhealthy "attachment" to someone that can currently be in your life, estranged, or no longer alive.
- You find yourself in the role of "enabling" this person, when you know you should not (or vice versa).
- You have a strong pull to "save" this person. If you are honest, you have basically set yourself up as their "Christ" (or vice versa).
Learn About Soul Ties
Below is a teaching on the subject of Soul Ties, if you are interested in learning more.
Common Indicators Of A Generational Curse
- Proverbs 26:2 says, "A curse will not come upon anyone without a cause." A curse can be placed on a person's life through iniquity as explained in Deuteronomy chapter 27 and 28. Without a cause (sin), the curse cannot touch a person's life. The Lord is clear that a curse is passed down to at least the third and forth generation due to the iniquity (wickedness, sinfulness) of the father (Deuteronomy 5:9).
- If you believe in blessings, you can't conveniently ignore curses. Blessings and curses are biblical and found all throughout scripture. In Numbers chapter 22-24, King Balak and Balaam the Diviner understood the power of blessings and curses. Balak was willing to pay Balaam to curse Israel but because the Lord had blessed Israel, Balaam understood "that a curse will not come upon anyone without a cause" (Proverbs 26:2). So according to Revelation 2:14, Balaam instead told King Balak how to get the Israelites to commit sin by enticing them with sexual immorality and food sacrificed to idols. The Israelites fell into transgression due to these traps and God sent a deadly plague (curse) to them as a result (Numbers 31:16). Isn't it interesting how this Diviner knew God's children were protected from someone cursing them from the outside (Genesis 12:3)? So he utilized a "loop hole" and caused them to be cursed, by God, from the inside.
- We see another example of a curse spoken from a man of God. In Joshua 6:26, "Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: 'cursed before the Lord is the man who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho. At the cost of his firstborn son, will he lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest will he set up its gates." Five hundred years later the curse was fulfilled by a man named Heil in 1 Kings 16:34, "In Ahab's time, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of his firstborn son Abiram, and he set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son Segub, in accordance with the word of the Lord spoken by Joshua." Did you catch the time in between Joshua pronouncing the curse, and when the curse was actually fulfilled? 500 years!
- A generational curse is not broken until someone prayerfully breaks and releases themselves from the curse. Otherwise it will continue to pass down to the children's children. A generational curse is broken, it's not cast out like a demon. Although an evil spirit will latch onto the curse and until it's broken the demon won't leave. During deliverance, the leader will walk you through breaking the power of generational curses all generations back and all generations forward.
- Below are some common indicators there is a generational curse operating through a family bloodline. The more indications present in your life, the greater chance of a curse.
- Chronic Financial Problems- Poverty, lack, there is never enough no matter how hard you work.
- Chronic Sickness and Disease- Especially if it is hereditary. Often a doctor can't find a natural cause.
- Female Problems- Barrenness, miscarriages, reproductive issues.
- Accident Prone- Accidents ranging from small to big that tend to "follow" a person.
- Premature Deaths- History of suicide or unnatural deaths.
- Mental Illness- Mental or emotional breakdowns where people fall apart.
- Divorce/Family Breakdown- Marriage splits, family divides, siblings alienated.
Common Cause Of A Generational Curse
Below are some common ways found in the Bible that can cause a generational curse. The two most common cause of generational curses come from breaking the first two commandments.
- Have no other gods before the Lord (Exodus 20:3).
- You shall not make for yourself an idol and bow down to worship it (Exodus 20:4-5). If you seek out Occult worship like fortunetellers, mediums, tarot cards, astrology, witchcraft, etc. Then you are seeking a false god which causes a curse to fall upon your children unto the third and forth generation according to the Lord's command in Exodus 20:5 (also see Deuteronomy 18:10-13).
Cursed Actions |
Scripture Reference |
Worshipping False Gods |
Exodus 20:3-5 |
Idolatry (Occult) |
Deuteronomy 27:15 |
Disrespecting Parents |
Proverbs 30:17 |
Treachery (betrayal) |
Proverbs 17:13 |
Unnatural Sex/Incest |
Leviticus 20:10-16 |
Anti-Semitism (hostility against Jewish people) |
Genesis 12:3, 27:29 |
Trusting in man rather than God |
Jeremiah 17:5-7 |
Stealing/Perjury |
Zechariah 5:1-4 |
Stinginess Towards God |
Malachi 3:8-10 |
Below are some more common causes of generational curses passed down through a family bloodline.
Cursed Actions |
Cursed Actions |
Adultery |
Word Curses |
Rape |
Murder (abortions) |
Fornication |
Occult Practices |
Beastiality |
Oppressing those who are defenseless |
Incest |
Initiation Pledges- Freemason, etc. |
Does God Speak Through Dreams
"God is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). The bible is full of accounts where God spoke to his people through dreams. To suggest that God is not the same today (in the way he speaks to his children) as he did in those days, is to suggest that Hebrews 13:8 is a lie. Acts 2:17 says, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." In these last days, as God continues to pour out his Spirit, Believers will have Godly dreams according to Acts chapter 2. It is our job to learn how to interpret these secret messages and not just credit the pizza we ate last night.
Dreams and interpretations are biblical:
Examples of dreams found in the Bible:
I once heard that if you total all the hours you slept throughout your life, it would equate to twenty years. Not only is that an excessive accumulation of our lives, but God is also a master at not wasting time. He uses our dreams to speak to us.
I happen to be an active dreamer. I have multiple dreams, every night, in succession. It dawned on me that if the enemy can invade my dreams through nightmares and terror, how much more would the Holy Spirit lavish me with visitations, warnings, encouragement, and prophecy? I have learned that the Lord speaks through dreams in two ways; symbolic and literal. I wish all my dreams were literal, it would save me time from trying to figure out what the Lord is telling me. Yet most of the dreams he gives me are symbolic, which requires me to consult the Holy Spirit for interpretation.
If you are a dreamer and you would like to learn how to interpret your dreams, I have two suggestions:
Dreams and interpretations are biblical:
- There are 120 references to dreams in the Old Testament.
- Fifty-two of the references come from Genesis.
- Twenty-nine of the references come from the book of Daniel.
- There are twenty-one actual recorded dreams in the Bible.
- Ten of the dreams were mentioned in the book of Genesis.
- Six of the dreamers are kings.
- One dreamer was a woman.
- Two of the dreamers were named Joseph (Old Testament and New Testament).
- Six of the dreams were mentioned in the book of Matthew.
Examples of dreams found in the Bible:
- Abimelech has a dream that Sarah is Abraham's wife (Genesis 20:3).
- Jacob has a dream concerning a ladder (Genesis 28:12).
- Jacob has a dream to go back home (Genesis 31).
- Laban is warned not to say anything good or bad to Jacob (Genesis 31).
- Joseph has two dreams about grain and stars (Genesis 37).
- Pharaoh's Cup Bearer and Baker have dreams in jail (Genesis 40).
- Pharaoh has two dreams about cows and grain (Genesis 41).
- A Midianite has a dream about a loaf of barley that speaks of Gideon (Judges 7:13).
- God comes to Solomon in a dream and tells him to make a request (1Kings 3).
- Nebuchadnezzar has a dream about a statue (Daniel 2).
- Nebuchadnezzar has a dream about a tree (Daniel 4:10-37)
- Daniel has a dream about four beasts (Daniel 7).
- Joseph was given a dream not to leave Mary (Matthew 1:18-25).
- Wise men were warned through a dream not to go back to Herod (Matthew 2:12).
- Joseph dreamt not to go back to Egypt (Matthew 2:13).
- Joseph dreamt to go back to Israel (Matthew 2:19-20).
- God warned Joseph in a dream not to go back to Judea (Matthew 2:22-23).
- The wife of Pilate was given a dream to warn her husband that Jesus was innocent (Matthew 27:19).
I once heard that if you total all the hours you slept throughout your life, it would equate to twenty years. Not only is that an excessive accumulation of our lives, but God is also a master at not wasting time. He uses our dreams to speak to us.
I happen to be an active dreamer. I have multiple dreams, every night, in succession. It dawned on me that if the enemy can invade my dreams through nightmares and terror, how much more would the Holy Spirit lavish me with visitations, warnings, encouragement, and prophecy? I have learned that the Lord speaks through dreams in two ways; symbolic and literal. I wish all my dreams were literal, it would save me time from trying to figure out what the Lord is telling me. Yet most of the dreams he gives me are symbolic, which requires me to consult the Holy Spirit for interpretation.
If you are a dreamer and you would like to learn how to interpret your dreams, I have two suggestions:
- Get a dream journal and the moment you wake up, write down the dream. Dreams are like the morning fog, they evaporate without a trace before your feet can touch the floor from out of bed. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you interpret your dreams. Not every dream is from the Lord. If you experience frequent demonic attacks in your dreams (terror, horror, fear, paralyzation, or sexual in nature), you most likely need deliverance.
- Buy and study this book; "The Ultimate Guide To Understanding The Dreams You Dream" by Ira Milligan. It has a red cover. Do NOT buy the smaller version of this book that is Volume II (blue cover). It does not include the dream dictionary and pales in comparison. You can find this book on Amazon. After you read this book, you should be able to interpret most of the dreams you have. This book is by far the most practical and biblical book on dreams I have found. It is a challenge to find a book on dreams that is solid in the word of God, like this book.
Understanding The Gift Of Speaking In Tongues
According to scripture the gift of Tongues are explained as:
Acts 2:3- "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."
1 Corinthians 14:2- "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his Spirit."
Romans 8:26- "The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."
1 Corinthians 12:4-11- Speaking and interpreting tongues are two of the nine gifts of the Spirit. "They are manifestations of the Holy Spirit and given for the common good" (vs. 7).
1 Corinthians 12:10; 12:28- There are different types of tongues (praying in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in an unknown/foreign language {Acts 2:6} ). Speaking in tongues requires an interpreter. Praying in tongues is between man and God. Not everyone who prays in tongues can speak in tongues with an interpreter.
1 Corinthians 14:5- "He who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified."
1Corinthians 14:27-28- "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two or at most three, should speak one at a time and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quite in the church and speak to himself and God."
1 Corinthians 14:4- "He who speaks in a tongue (without interpretation) edifies himself."
Acts 2:11- "They are declaring the wonders of God in a foreign language."
Acts 10:46- "With tongues we praise God."
Jude 1:20- "Pray in the Holy Spirit."
Ephesians 6:18- "Pray in the Spirit at all times."
Acts 2:3- "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."
1 Corinthians 14:2- "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his Spirit."
Romans 8:26- "The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."
1 Corinthians 12:4-11- Speaking and interpreting tongues are two of the nine gifts of the Spirit. "They are manifestations of the Holy Spirit and given for the common good" (vs. 7).
1 Corinthians 12:10; 12:28- There are different types of tongues (praying in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in an unknown/foreign language {Acts 2:6} ). Speaking in tongues requires an interpreter. Praying in tongues is between man and God. Not everyone who prays in tongues can speak in tongues with an interpreter.
1 Corinthians 14:5- "He who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified."
1Corinthians 14:27-28- "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two or at most three, should speak one at a time and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quite in the church and speak to himself and God."
1 Corinthians 14:4- "He who speaks in a tongue (without interpretation) edifies himself."
Acts 2:11- "They are declaring the wonders of God in a foreign language."
Acts 10:46- "With tongues we praise God."
Jude 1:20- "Pray in the Holy Spirit."
Ephesians 6:18- "Pray in the Spirit at all times."
- Wow! The Bible sure does have a lot to say about this gift from the Holy Spirit for it to just disappear like some believe. Wouldn't your enemy love for you to come into agreement with that? Tongues are a powerful gift from the Spirit and Satan's priority is to render the believer powerless. Wake up Church!
- Thanks to the apostle Paul, we learn a great deal of insight regarding the gift of speaking in tongues throughout the book of 1 Corinthians. Paul went to the Church of Corinth to address some of the congregation's behaviors and mishandling of the spiritual gifts. This specific church was eager and fascinated with operating in the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:12), while neglecting the way of love (1Corinthians 13:4-13).
- If you have been to a wedding ceremony, you most likely heard 1Corinthians chapter 13 spoken over the wedded couple. As profound as Paul speaks regarding love, he is not consecrating a marriage in this passage. Instead he is correcting the church and shifting their perspective on how they approach the nine gifts from the Holy Spirit. Keeping in context, this specific church was eager to speak in tongues. He reminds them if they speak in mysteries but do not operate in love, then the gift of tongues is useless (1Corinthians 13:1). Paul lays out like a buffet, all the different gifts of the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 13). He acknowledges their importance but drives home the point that without love, all the gifts are anemic regardless of how much the church pursues them. Paul urges the congregation to seek love! He tells them love never fails and that love will always remain even in heaven. The gifts of the Spirit are temporary while on earth because we need them here for the common good (1Cor12:7), edification (1Cor14:4), and the demonstration of God's power as recommended by Jesus in Acts 1:8 and John 14:12. Paul says that all the gifts will eventually cease, be stilled, or pass away with the passing of this old earth (vs.8, 12). Yet, love, hope, and faith are the only ones that will remain in heaven (vs.13). Which further reveals only one out of the nine gifts of the spirit will remain and that is faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
- Since this church eagerly sought after the gift of speaking in tongues, certain people who received the gift were misusing it in a boastful and prideful manner. Multiple people would disrupt the church congregation by standing up while the preacher was teaching and speak in tongues out loud without an interpreter. Paul had to address this behavior to instill order back into this congregation. In 1Corinthians 14:27-28 Paul says, "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two or at most three, should speak one at a time and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quite in the church and speak to himself and God."
- In 1Corinthians chapter 14 Paul says, "That he would like for all of us to speak in tongues" (vs. 5) and "he thanks God that he speaks in tongues more than all of us" (vs.18). It is safe to say that based off of these two scriptures alone, the gift of tongues was and still is very important for the church. If it was important to the apostle Paul, it should be important to us and not swept under the rug of ignorance. To suggest that the gift of tongues is no longer for the church today is foolish and unscriptural.
- There is a misconception that unless you speak in tongues, you have not received the Holy Spirit. That is a false teaching and not found in scripture. Acts 4:31 is one example where the writer talks about the people being filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking the word of God boldly (they specifically prayed to be filled with boldness). It does not say they spoke in tongues when they were filled. You can certainly have the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues, but you cannot speak in tongues without the Holy Spirit.
- A common hinderance regarding Christians asking the Holy Spirit for this gift, is they will receive demonic tongues instead. Jesus said in Matthew 7:9, "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?" If you ask the Lord for a gift of the Spirit, will he give you something demonic in return? Nonsense! He will only give you a good gift as spoken of in Matthew 7:9.
- We personally pray in tongues at this ministry and have heard thousands of believers speak in this beautiful heavenly language. We have also heard the counterfeit of demonic tongues. There is no mistaking the difference. Demonic tongues sound choppy, machine-gun-like. There is zero eloquence or pleasure to the ear. When demonic tongues are present, you want to immediately turn their sound off. When you pray in Godly tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:2 says that the Holy Spirit is speaking directly to God through us as a conduit. Unless we can interpret what the Spirit is saying, we are yielding our tongue to the Spirit in faith and allowing the Holy Spirit to groan on our behalf what the English language simply cannot express to God (Romans 8:26).
- If you are interested in asking the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of tongues, we suggest you read 1 Corinthians chapter 12, 13, and 14. The apostle Paul did an excellent job laying down some parameters around this gift to instill order in the church. It would be healthy to understand these guidelines whether seeking the gift or already operating in it.
- In this ministry after a person is delivered, we ask them if they would like us to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give them the gift of tongues. Many receive the gift after we pray and report that tongues have edified them tremendously in their personal walk with God. It deeply strengthened their faith and connection to the Lord. Several believers also reported that after they received tongues from the Holy Spirit, other spiritual gifts emerged.
Things To Consider Before Deliverance
- It is important to understand that when you experience genuine deliverance and evil spirits leave your body; You will feel lighter, your mind will stop racing, your ability to connect with God won't be hindered, your specific manifestations will stop, you will no longer feel pain, you could experience healing and you will feel like a new person. As wonderful as all that sounds, it is important to put into perspective that deliverance does not mean life will be perfect. Jesus did not promise that and neither do we.
- Deliverance is like a reset button. You get to face life without the hindrances but sin and temptation are still around the corner. If you open the door, you already know something will come in. Consider when you open the front door to your house, you do not get to choose what enters in, whether it be an insect, lizard, bumble bee, humidity, etc. The same goes with the demonic. If you open the door to masturbation, a spirit of masturbation can enter in along with a spirit of lust, anger, or maybe perversion. You do not get to choose and the spirits often travel in gangs with different ranks (Matthew 12:45).
- There is no such thing as casting a demon off of you. If you search the scriptures, you will find that demons are to come out of you. Jesus clearly said when dealing with a demon, you must "cast it out." As found in the following scriptures (Matthew 8:16, Matthew 9:33, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 12:28, Mark 1:34, Mark 1:39, Mark 3:15, Mark 6:13, Mark 16:9, Mark 16:17, Luke 13:32). Jesus did not say you get rid of the demon by counseling, medicating or reading more scripture. He said you confront the unclean spirit and you cast it out from you. Some people would feel more comfortable with the idea of the spirit attached on you rather than in you. Yet, it's simply not biblical nor have we experienced it in the deliverances that we conduct.
- Your work does not stop when the evil spirits leave. In fact, it's only the beginning. It's important to seek wisdom and discernment on how to maintain your deliverance by keeping the doors closed and every entry point shut. When you have some time, study the scriptures about Mary Magdalene. She was a woman who followed Jesus and had seven demons cast out of her (Luke 8:2). Mary's life wasn't perfect after her deliverance but she served Jesus without hindrance.
- It is not uncommon to need 2 sessions. We also cannot guarantee that you will be set free. Your participation, transparency, honesty, and desire for freedom is the key to help us deliver you from demonic oppression. Deliverance can easily take 3-4 hours each session, so please wear comfortable clothes to your appointment. Ladies, we ask you to wear clothing that covers your body, particularly your chest and legs. Our priority is that you are treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
- We do not recommend spouses, friends or family attending the deliverance. We prefer for the deliverance team to be the only ones present.
Does This Ministry Charge For Deliverance Sessions
Deliverance Fees:
This ministry has grown full-time. We are unable to continue operations based on love donations only. The fee covers the amount of time invested into your personal one-on-one deliverance which results in; counsel, discipleship, legality work, 4-7 hour deliverance session(s), fasting, prayers, training/teaching materials, and team meetings. It is important to understand, you are NOT paying to receive deliverance, you are paying the ministry for time and work invested into you.
Below is a link to purchase sessions.
- Zoom Deliverance: $200.00
- Face to Face Deliverance (Currently NOT offering): $300.00
This ministry has grown full-time. We are unable to continue operations based on love donations only. The fee covers the amount of time invested into your personal one-on-one deliverance which results in; counsel, discipleship, legality work, 4-7 hour deliverance session(s), fasting, prayers, training/teaching materials, and team meetings. It is important to understand, you are NOT paying to receive deliverance, you are paying the ministry for time and work invested into you.
Below is a link to purchase sessions.
Deliverance Training, Mentorship, Counsel
Holly offers deliverance training to those who want to grow in their spiritual understanding of warfare and deliverance. Holly is the founder of For The Brokenhearted Ministry since 2011 and she is extremely knowledgable in deliverance and counseling with extensive experience in casting out evil spirits according to the Word of God. Holly operates as a Teacher in the 5-Fold Ministry according to Ephesians 4:11-13 (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher). Teaching is her strength.
Holly also offers mentorship, counseling, inner healing, marriage counseling, and consulting via phone or Zoom. She draws from her strong gift of "Words of Wisdom" in order to lead and counsel the Bride of Christ. Words of Wisdom is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. This gift allows Holly to navigate through people's problems and offer immediate biblical solution through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
For those interested. Please select the below button titled "Counseling Session" which will redirect you to the purchasing menu to book your session(s).
Holly also offers mentorship, counseling, inner healing, marriage counseling, and consulting via phone or Zoom. She draws from her strong gift of "Words of Wisdom" in order to lead and counsel the Bride of Christ. Words of Wisdom is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. This gift allows Holly to navigate through people's problems and offer immediate biblical solution through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- One Hour Zoom Private Mentorship/Training/Counsel With Holly: $100.00
- NEW CLIENTS: Must first contact the ministry to verify if Holly is accepting new clients for counseling.
For those interested. Please select the below button titled "Counseling Session" which will redirect you to the purchasing menu to book your session(s).
Should I Fast Before Deliverance
- Yes, we recommend you fast before deliverance. In Mark chapter 9, Jesus tells the disciples one of the reasons they were unsuccessful in casting out a particular demon. He said, "That one only comes out by prayer and fasting." Here we learn that certain unclean spirits can only come out specifically by prayer and fasting. In order to be fully prepared for your deliverance, we ask you to join the team in fasting. Whoever is involved in leading your deliverance will fast prior to the session. A liquid fast the day before your appointment is a good suggestion. Ask the Lord if he has a specific fast he would like you to offer before your deliverance. We do not recommend fasting the day of deliverance, unless the Holy Spirit specifically directs you. It is important to have energy and be strong for the day of deliverance. Deliverance is often compared to labor. Try not to schedule anything after your deliverance, we recommend going straight home and rest.
- To save time during your deliverance session, on the day of your fast, we ask that you prepare by reciting prayers to break the following legal rights:
- Breaking Generational Curses
- Breaking Ungodly Covenants
- Breaking Soul Ties
- Breaking Agreement With Lies
- Break Freemasonry (if applicable)
- You will find the four legality prayers and instructions on this website, under the tab "Freedom Prayers." For your convenience and easy access, please click the below button to redirect you to the page:
How To Maintain Your Freedom
There is a page on this website dedicated to helping newly delivered Christians on how to maintain their freedom. The name of the page is called, "Aftercare." For your convenience and easy access, please click the below button to redirect you to the page so you can read all the tools and strategies on how to keep fighting:
- As mentioned above, deliverance is not a passport to the perfect life. Deliverance is like a reset button and gives you strength to face life, starting with victory. You are now "the head and not the tail" (Deuteronomy 28:13). You are no longer held down with tormenting spirits that hinder you from moving forward. After the success of casting out demons, your work is not over. In fact it is just beginning...
- Be filled with the Holy Spirit. As we learned in Matthew 12:43-45, it is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit after deliverance. Otherwise you will be seen as unoccupied and the evil spirits will return with other's greater than itself. If you need assistance in prayer to receive the Holy Spirit, ask the deliverance team to pray for you during your session. In Romans 10:9 we are told, "that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you believe that he was raised from the dead, you will be saved." Simply invite the Holy Spirit to come live inside of you and commit yourself to him.
- Stop actively sinning. As we learned from Ananias and Sapphira in Acts chapter 5, a believer in Christ can be filled with the enemy when they chose to sin (like theft, lying and deception in Ananias/Sapphira's case). During deliverance you were led to repent/renounce all sin. It is important not to continue in sin. 1 John 3:8 says, "When people keep on sinning, it shows they belong to the Devil because the Devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the work of the Devil." Proverbs 28:13 also says, "Whoever conceals their sin does not prosper but the one who confesses and renounces them will find mercy." Do not be good at sinning. Someone who can get into the car after church and start slandering the pastor with no conviction has gotten good at sinning. Or maybe your conscience is seared to the foul language that proceeds from your mouth. Again, you have gotten good at sinning because you can partake with no conviction in your heart. It's impossible to never sin again (1 John 1:8) but develop a habit that as soon as you sin; "You repent, turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord" (Acts 3:19).
- Take thoughts captive. It is safe to say that for several weeks after your deliverance you will receive "knocks" on the door. Thoughts of doubt or whichever chief spirit you were delivered from, will try to partner with you again. You will notice this in your thought life but it will be much easier to fight off. "Flaming arrows" (Eph 6:10) will try to come and pierce your mind by saying things like, "You're not really delivered," or "If you're scared that means you still have a spirit of fear." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says, "For though we live in a world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments (demonic thoughts) and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ." Jesus modeled this beautifully in Matthew chapter four when the angel led him into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Each time Satan spoke to Jesus, he responded to the enemy by quoting scripture. After three attempts by the enemy, he left Jesus. If you hear a demonic thought that says, "You're not really delivered." Immediately respond out loud by quoting scripture. You can say something like, "It is written, that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered" (Joel 2:32). Remember if you "resist the devil, he will flee" (James 4:7). Take initiative and begin memorizing some scripture verses that you can fight your enemy with. The best way to memorize scripture is flash cards.
- Walk it out. After deliverance, we must live our lives differently. Submission to the leading and voice of the Holy Spirit is key. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left there will be a voice behind you saying, 'this is the way, walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21). That "voice" is the Holy Spirit. It is important to develop new habits such as going to church, finding a community of like-minded believers who will build you up and encourage you in the faith, reading the bible and praying regularly. The bible is the Lord's love letter to you. If your spouse wrote you a love letter, would you put it in a drawer and never open it? Of course not! The way we get to know God is by reading his Word. You will get familiar with his personality, thoughts and character. Always after deliverance people find it easier to read the Bible, the hindrance is gone and desire fills those empty parts. Opening the pages to God's truth will be the greatest adventure you ever accepted.
Why Some People Do Not Receive Deliverance
- The minister does not have a battle strategy.
- The minister does not pray and fast.
- The minister does not have a relationship with Christ and submitted to the Holy Spirit.
- The minister does not depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit during deliverance.
- There is a lack of anointing and authority.
- There is no genuine repentance in the person's life, who is receiving deliverance.
- The person is holding onto sin in their life.
- The person is not forthcoming with necessary information in order to break legalities with the enemy.
- The person is not desperate enough.
- The person has wrong motives.
- The person is an attention seeker and only desires to be the center of attention in deliverance.
- The person fakes their manifestations/deliverance.
- The person will not participate in the deliverance.
- The person was forced into deliverance.
- Unforgiveness.
- Unbelief and doubt.
- Lack of knowledge.
- The person needs inner healing, not deliverance.
- Someone in the deliverance room is a hindrance (doubt, fear, skeptic, sin, etc.).
What Did Jesus Command All Believers To Do
"Go preach the good news, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have diseases, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8, Mark 16:15-17).
If you believe the church is still called to 'preach the good news,' then you must not ignore, debate or excuse the rest of his call to action. Jesus has clearly spoken to his followers and we are called to obey his commands. As for me and this ministry, we will stand on the entire word of God and the command of Jesus Christ!
If you believe the church is still called to 'preach the good news,' then you must not ignore, debate or excuse the rest of his call to action. Jesus has clearly spoken to his followers and we are called to obey his commands. As for me and this ministry, we will stand on the entire word of God and the command of Jesus Christ!
Ministry Hours And Closures
Deliverance Sessions:
~ Wednesday's at 4:30pm (CST)
Counseling Sessions:
~ Monday - Friday
Ministry Closures:
~ The ministry is closed every June, July, August. Sessions will reopen in September after the summer break.
~ The ministry is closed the week of Thanksgiving.
~ The ministry is closed for two weeks in December for Christmas and New Years holiday.
~ Wednesday's at 4:30pm (CST)
Counseling Sessions:
~ Monday - Friday
Ministry Closures:
~ The ministry is closed every June, July, August. Sessions will reopen in September after the summer break.
~ The ministry is closed the week of Thanksgiving.
~ The ministry is closed for two weeks in December for Christmas and New Years holiday.
Are You Ready
Two-Step Process:
If you are considering deliverance, there is a two-step process prior to setting up your session.
If you are considering deliverance, there is a two-step process prior to setting up your session.
- You are first required to complete the deliverance form located (as a tab) on this website or at the black button below. The form is strategically designed to help the deliverance team develop your personal battle strategy. The information you provide will expose every legal right or open door the enemy has against you. Without the requested information, the deliverance team can be unsuccessful in driving out demons. Deliverance is not a religious experience, it's a legal exchange. Once the legal rights are broken, your enemy has to release you.
- Purchase your deliverance session found on this website, under the tab "purchase." Someone will contact you to schedule your deliverance session after your form and payment has been submitted and received.
© 2021 For The Brokenhearted Ministry. All Rights Reserved