1 Peter 5:8
Be ready! Get prepared!
Write from my heart,
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 Will you slip away with me for a brief moment in time and allow your imaginations to give birth to an explosion of scenery that is filled with dramatic details and descriptions? I want to help paint a picture by stroking an imaginary canvas with expensive acrylics and fine feathered brushes. With your eyes closed and your mind ready to create, start by focusing on a familiar sound of adrenaline-crazed people screaming and hollering in a mighty arena as the event is about to start. The rumble that pumps throughout your entire body comes from this multitude of spectators simultaneously slamming their feet into the aluminum bleachers. The rhythm of their beat seduces your thoughts and tempts you to want to join in with them as you are led out into the open by a team of hungry vultures. As you turn to the right and to the left, there is a Voice behind you saying, “Don’t walk this way” but you dismiss it and continue to be lured. The combination of booze, foul body odor, and fear fills the air and burns your nose. Unaware of where you are or how you got there, your vision becomes a little clearer. You are now standing alone in the center of a cold, iron cage that is in the shape of an octagon. The blood that has been previously shed on the floor catches your attention and forces you to focus. Sweat drips down your forehead and the hordes of people begin to chant… “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!” The reality of where you are begins to hit you in the face like a title wave from a tsunami. You had known that the Ultimate Fighting Championships where in your hometown, unfortunately you were unaware that YOU were the main event! Just then you recognize that you have a coach in your corner and as He begins to prep you, His name tag catches your attention, “Holy Spirit.” He whispers with conviction in your ear like a sunset speaks to the onlooker. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). Before you can thank your Mighty Counselor; He steps to the side and the announcer reaches down to the depths of his belly and belts out in acapella… “Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeeeee!” At once the whole stadium jumps to their feet and their voices roar like the raging waters from Niagara Falls. Up until this point your opponent has not been revealed, but you have been painfully aware of his presence. This kind of evil spirit is not like anything you have ever experienced before. It is cunning, baffling, seductive, confusing, mind altering, controlling and oppressive all at the same time. There is a raw awareness that everyone in the stadium is under his command and they worship and bow down to him. All of a sudden you feel very alone and fear begins to plague you like a deadly virus. Just then you look up and see your enemy, a roaring lion, licking his chops and coming for you! It is clear he wants to kill and devour you for all to see. He holds nothing back and has nothing to lose. He wants you and will stop at nothing to have you! Be ready! Get prepared! Write from my heart, Holly |
Holly WrightHolly is a passionate writer, teacher, and speaker in the body of Christ. Who is gifted with inspiring others to seek a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord. Archives
September 2021
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