"Holly, do you have an ace bandage?"
"I do! What's wrong?" I asked.
"Brenna (her daughter) sprained her ankle, there is some swelling and she can't walk on it!"
"I'll be right over," I replied!
I quickly started rummaging through my medicine cabinet and Noah (who was 6 years old) questioned me.
After explaining what happened, he immediately responded,
"Mommy, we must pray for Brenna right now!"
Before he could finish his sentence, he had already grabbed my hands and bowed his head. I joined him!
With authority in his tone, Noah said,
"In the name of Jesus, we speak straight to Brenna's ankle, BE HEALED! Swelling go down, ankle be healed! Lord, heal her! Amen!"
I quickly kissed him on his forehead and rushed over to my sister, Ginger's house, five minutes down the road!
Ginger met me at the door with a confused look on her face.
"Holly, you are probably going to think I'm losing my mind. But shortly after we got off the phone, out of nowhere, Brenna started jumping up and down on her feet explaining that her ankle feels better. I examined her sprain and it's all better! Before that, I had to carry her because she was unable to walk! I swear she really had sprained her ankle!"
Before Ginger could speak another word, I grabbed her hand and told her that she had just witnessed a miracle!
Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, YOU CAN SAY TO THIS MOUNTAIN, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:20