John 10:27-
“My sheep hear my voice; I hear them and they follow me.”
Several years ago “I heard” the Holy Spirit speak to my heart over His beloved, Leila. Sweet Leila is a precious child that God so loves and He asked that Lexi (my daughter) and I pray for her ever night during our prayer time together. We did not know Leila personally but she was a five months old baby that had been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. She was admitted into the hospital for heart surgery and that was when I had heard of her story. Each night Lexi and I would lift her up in prayer and ask for God’s protection.
A few days after Leila's surgery, I received an update through a care page that her mother kept. As I began to write a comment on her page, I sensed that the Lord was using my fingers to write what HE wanted to say to Leila's mother to give her hope. I typed...
“We are keeping Leila warm through blankets of prayer” and then I quoted Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm….”
The next day, I went to visit the care page to see how Leila was doing and there was a new picture of Leila posted from the previous day. The hair on my neck stood straight up as I fully took in God’s confirmation to me, that it was HIM speaking through me on that simple blog comment I wrote the previous night. There was a picture of little Leila under a “blanket” that was embroidered with the scripture verse Jeremiah 29:11.
I had never seen that picture before writing that comment!
The tears fell from my eyes and I whispered to God… “You are clearly amazing!" And just like that, God blessed me in return for lifting Leila in prayer (through obedience).
What an honor it is to serve the Lord. GOD IS WITH US!
I attached the picture of little Leila under God’s “blanket of prayer!" The next time you start to worry, just remember…..He’s got YOU "covered!"
Right from my heart,
Holly Wright