“Is it the person eating behind me?” I inquisitively asked.
Noah’s eyes had been looking in that direction for the past five minutes, which happened to be a dead giveaway.
“Yes!” He responds with compassion.
There was a guy, in his mid twenties, quietly eating by himself.
I asked Noah how he wants to be a blessing to this man? He toiled with the idea and decided he wants to buy him an ice cream.
“Mommy, I’m nervous to approach him.”
“Noah, when the Lord puts something on your heart, He will equip you with the right words. Don’t miss the moment, act on it!”
Noah boldly got up from the table and walked his way.
“Excuse me Sir, I want to be a blessing to you. Can I buy you an ice cream?”
The man looks up in unfamiliar territory and tells Noah he would love a cone. Noah’s face grew a big smile and he skipped off to go buy his new friend an ice cream.
When Noah returned to our table, he looked at me and said...
“Kindness never takes a day off!”