Just as she said that, a customer walked out the restaurant and told us it was the worst food she has eaten. Jason and I both look at each other and our faces communicated to get the heck out of dodge.
My craving was still in charge, so I convinced my husband to travel down the road about ten miles to Denny’s. I was bound and determined to eat those pitiful carbs! As we reached the door at Denny’s, a handwritten sign said, “Sorry! Closed due to maintenance!”
You got to be kidding me! Are we being punked or does my diet know that I’m trying to cheat?
We returned to the car, and my stomach is more rebellious than before.
“Let’s keep going Jason! Just drive to the IHOP in SugarLand!” Another 20 minutes down the road.
One thing about Jason, he will do anything to bring a smile to my face. He always says, “He’s happy, when I’m happy!” (Girls, find yourself a man like that).
Finally, I sat down to order my beloved pancakes, with a grin ear to ear!
Unbeknownst to me, Jason overwhelmingly begins to hear God’s heart towards our waitress. The Lord whispers to him some very specific details about her life and then God gives Jason a word of hope to share with her in those struggles.
For anyone who walks in the gift of “Words of Knowledge,” you know that fear and doubt will stop at nothing to convince you to keep your mouth shut! Yet Jason, decided to take a risk that night.
As he boldly began to share what God showed him, this waitress quickly confirmed what Jason heard was correct and she got tears in her eyes because she knew God was speaking straight to her, through this stranger.
So, in the middle of a busy, late-night IHOP, we all bowed our heads and Jason prayed over this single mom. He blessed her, encouraged her, spoke life over her and then left her a surprise monetary tip the size of Texas.
Sometimes we get frustrated with unforeseen circumstances, all the while God was leading you to something greater than yourself! So next time you’re upset because you are unable to get your “pancakes.” Stop and consider that maybe God is orchestrating a supernatural encounter!