- Job 38:1
People often ask me how I can tell the difference between when God speaks to me, or my own imagination. The simple answer sounds like this; the difference is like two petite metal thimbles clanging together from the rhythm of your fingers and a two hundred-instrument orchestra. There is no comparison!
When God speaks the world is created (Genesis 1:1-31), when God speaks nations are struck down (Revelation 19:15), when God speaks the demons have to flee (Matthew 8:32), and when God speaks the dead come back to life (John 11:43). Over and over again we see countless examples of God speaking to His people throughout scripture, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope” (Romans 15:4). Hope, that the God we read about from back then is still the same God today, who reaches out and communicates to His people in a really big way! We put our hope in Isaiah 30:21, “That whether we turn to the right or to the left, our ears will hear a voice behind us, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” God’s priority is to carry along a dialog with His children, which is understood as the lifeline to an intimate and personal relationship with Him. Where in the world did this notion that God does not speak to us anymore get fabricated? As if the Almighty had already said enough two thousand years ago and now just sits quietly on the thrown waiting until the day He can finally speak His mind, when He sees us face to face.
Today we will close the pages of a seven-week study that characterized the dramatic testimony of Job’s life. Yet before we do, we will partake in one last thrill from the climax of this novel and attempt to digest the powerfully spoken words to Job from the very breath of his Creator. When God speaks, the mouth of Job is finally shut and his confusion and complaining are eliminated. Once again, we will use Job as an example of how God speaks to us and compare personal testimony of how He is still speaking today. Be prepared to discuss seven steps we should consider when we hear from God, this way we will know what to do once He has spoken.
So buckle up and strap on your faith this morning, because in order to hear from God there is an element of faith that is required to show up. As we all know, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6), well I would like to pitch out to you that, without faith it is impossible to hear God! So for this lesson, I pray that God will help us overcome our unbelief and bless us with a double portion of this beautiful gift called, FAITH!